Saturday, October 24, 2009

Read a Thon (My Late First Post)

I am getting such a late start today on the Read a Thon. I really meant to start on time but wasn't feeling well this morning and slept until about an hour ago. But I am here now and have gotten started. Thanks Eva and Alita for the cheering on. I am still participating!

I have gotten started on my first book, Revelations by Melissa de la Cruz. 


  1. I hope you feel good and rested!

  2. Hope all is going well now that we are into the 8th hour of the Read-a-Thon :) This is Louise cheering from Copenhagen, Denmark...

  3. Congrats on winning a book! Enjoy many hours of happy reading.

  4. Hope it's still going okay for you!!


Thanks for taking the time to comment! :)