Monday, September 27, 2010

Mailbox Monday: Green Books Campaign

Green Baby
Last year I participated in Eco-Libris' Green Books Campaign  and am excited to participate again this year. Especially since the book I will be reviewing is so appropriate and perfect for me right now. Green Baby by Susannah Marriot came in the mail a couple weeks ago and I have already been skimming through it. Be sure to check out my review of it on November 11th.

The Mailbox Monday Blog Tour is hosted this month at Bermudaonion's Weblog



  1. I'm joining in this year for the first time; I can't wait to get my book. Enjoy yours!

  2. love the cover and again CONGRATS!

    Emma is the sweetest little thing... ahhhhh love babies and the new born feeling...

    Congrats again :)

  3. That does look like the perfect book for you!


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