Sunday, June 7, 2015

Going on Hiatus...kind of

Hi all,

My last (requested) book review will be posted next month and then I am going on hiatus for a bit. Not sure how long it will be for, but I am ready to read books from my TBR pile and our Book Group picks without having to try to fit them in between review books. 

I will still be around, however, blogging about other things- my current TBR books, book group, knitting projects, life. I have a lot of things coming up that I would like to spend time on... a half marathon, the little girl starting TK, turning 40!

Hope you stick around.

Happy Reading!


  1. Enjoy your time away. Hope you pop in once in a while and keep us posted on what's going on in your life!

  2. I agree with Lisa that I hope you still pop in. Sometimes turning to your TBR and other goals is just what you need.


Thanks for taking the time to comment! :)