Monday, July 18, 2011

Mailbox Monday

Thankfully, the number of books coming into my house has lightened up. I say thankfully, because I am getting way behind. (If you are waiting to see a review of your book here, bare with me.) I am finding it difficult to find enough time in the day to get anything done, including reading and reviewing.

I did, however, get one book last week. I think it will be the last book I accept until the new year.

Guillermo del Toro and Chuck Hogan's The Fall. Can't wait to read. I reviewed The Strain last year and am very interested to see what happens in this sequel.

Mailbox Monday is being hosted this month by Gwendolyn at A Sea of Books.


FTC Disclosure: Clicking on title and image links will lead you to my Amazon Affiliate page.


  1. I'm always in awe of bloggers who are able to "just say No." Of course, I don't accept every book I'm offered, but I certainly admire your self-control! Hope you enjoy your new read. THE STRAIN is still in my TBR!!

  2. My husband really liked The Strain so I will have to get him this one!

  3. Gwendolyn-We'll see how long it lasts. :)

    Lola-It is in paperback. :)


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