This book had everything I love! Humour, sleuthing, crazy antics, footnotes and Doctor Who! Really? I think this book was written just for me. The minute I finished this one I had to pass it on to my friend that got me reading the Stephenie Plum books. She loved them just as much. She took herself straight to the bookstore and bought the next two books that I hadn't gotten yet. She passed them on to me as soon as she was finished with them.
I can't wait to get them. Hoping they are as good as the first two.
I am in love with this series. This "document" chronicles Isabel's court ordered therapy sessions and her life without sleuthing. However, that is harder to get away from than anticipated. Frequent visits from dad, getting blackmailed and taking cases on the side all seem to just drag her back in.
The humour is still there, the footnotes and appendices. Love it.
Best of the series. Loved this one. Are you surprised? Read it all in a day this weekend.
Doctor Who makes a return, Isabel is back where she belongs, working in the family business, now as a part owner. Filled with all the usual suspects from the previous books and all the fun. This book had me laughing out loud and cheering "finally", but it also had me crying in the end.