
Saturday, February 28, 2009

embossed leaves socks

My newest WIP is coming along nicely. The pattern is Embossed Leaves (Mona Schmidt) from Interweave's Favorite Socks. It isn't one of the patterns I said I was thinking about, but it seemed more appropriate for the KAL. Dewey's blog was(is) titled The Hidden Side of the Leaf. Perfect right?

The only thing I have done differently from the pattern is where to start on the gusset. The pattern calls for cutting the yarn after the heel flap and then picking up stitches on the right side of the heel. I decided to just pick up along the left so I didn't have to cut and rejoin. The only change. 

Still have a bit of the foot left to knit and then it is on to the toe. It looks much different than my usual toe so I am excited to get to it.  I love lace patterned socks. They always seem to knit up much faster than plain stockinette ones. Do you get that same feeling?

(Steph, I am loving your yarn!)

Improving MariReads

Hi all.

I recently joined the
Blogging Tips forum on BookBlogs and have asked for some help in improving the look and feel of my blog. There has been a couple responses with some advice on format, content, and color schemes. But, before I start changing anything I wanted to ask you, those who stop by regularly, about your thoughts on the blog? How could I improve it? What do you like, don't like?

Concerns brought up were:

The size of the header.
Color- the black background makes it hard to read
Lack of content- too many weekly memes

I would love to hear what you all think about these and any other ideas you may have. Positives and negatives. Really. :)

Thanks a bunch.

Friday, February 27, 2009

Book Review- ttyl by Lauren Myracle

ttyl (Talk to You Later) ttyl by Lauren Myracle

The entire book is written in Instant Messages between three best friends during their sophomore year in high school. You can probably imagine the drama or relive it. :)

Easy to read, fast-paced and unique, this book kept me reading to the end.

I wanted to read this book after seeing a local news story of some mom's protesting this book being in their kids school library.
Now, there is some sexual content and use of profanity but nothing that really shocked me. I am not a teenager, but I was once. This was all stuff I would have chatted with friends about at sleep overs. However, the problem they had was that it was in the middle school's library. They had no problem with it being read by high school age kids they just didn't want their pre-teens reading it quite yet. I can actually understand their concerns, which surprised me, but I definitely do not approve of book banning.

Have you read the book? Do you think it is appropriate for middle school aged girls?


YA Challenge

Thursday, February 26, 2009

Book Review- The Disappearance by Efrem Sigel

The Disappearance The Disappearance by Efrem Sigel
" 'It's been two weeks; do you have any idea what that does to a person? Your child missing, almost certainly dead and you don't know how or why.' " page 95

I posted this line for Teaser Tuesday this past week because it perfectly describes what this book is about. Joshua and Natalie Sandler come home one day to find their 14 year old son, Dan, gone. The police, their community and friends have no idea what has happened to him-dead or alive, kidnapped or a runaway-there are no answers. The book focuses on how Dan's parents deal with this terrible situation.

How would you deal with it? Would you ever give up your search for answers? Would you completely shut down and forget all about the other people and things you love in your life? What happens to the marriage when spouses react differently?

This was a very interesting and different take on the missing child story. Instead of focusing on the mystery of what happened to Dan, it deals with the people affected by his disappearance. The affect of not knowing what happened.

The only problem I had were the sex scenes. They seemed a bit awkward, the wording a departure from the rest of the book. Perhaps it was the use of certain words that made me want to skip these sections (only two), words that would seem more at home in another type of book.


A to Z Reading Challenge

Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Whiskers on Wednesday- 2/25/08

I came home today as usual. Came in through the garage door, arms filled with school bag, purse and lunch bag. As I walked to the desk to put my stuff down a certain kitty felt it was an appropriate time to attack. She ran out from under the desk and dashed right under my foot that was coming down mid step. She is lucky I didn't step on her but I did manage to drop everything in my attempt to stay vertical. There may have been a few expletives yelled at the cat. She ran quickly away and hid on the other side of the couch. Of course, she was then nipping at my ankles as I walked by on my way to the bathroom. She should be banished from her perch atop my comforter folded on the bed. She looks too cute, though. I wouldn't want to disturb her. :)

Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Tuesday Thingers-02/24/09

Do you have a specialized blog where you only review a certain genre or type of book? If so, what is your favorite thing about that type of book? If not, what is/are your favorite genre(s)? What makes that genre(s) a favorite?

I don't think mine is very specialized. I tend to read a lot of different type books so I didn't want to limit myself. I suppose I could be classified as a General Fiction Blogger. Is that right? You will not find much in the way of non-fiction here. As far as a favorite type of book, I would have to say thrillers and fantasies. I love Paranormals, Mysteries, Medical Thrillers. I definitely don't limit myself to just those, though. You will find reviews of contemporary fiction, classics, historical fiction, Young Adult and children's books here as well.

On the Nightstand-February

Books Read this month:

The Amazing Adventures of Kavalier & Clay by Michael Chabon
Fault Line by Barry Eisler (LibraryThing Early Reviewer)
Artemis Fowl by Eoin Colfer
Artemis Fowl: The Arctic Incident by Eoin Colfer

Now reading:

The Disappearance by Efrem Sigel (LibraryThing Early Reviewers)

On the Nightstand:
Artemis Fowl: The Eternity Code by Eoin Colfer (B&N)
Artemis Fowl: The Opal Deception by Eoin Colfer(B&N)
A Lion Among Men by Gregory Maguire(B&N)
The Canterbury Tales by Geoffrey Chaucer New Unabridged ( Library Thing Early Reviewers)
Circle of Magic: Sandry's Book by Tamora Pierce (BookMooch)
Belong To Me by Marissa de los Santos (gift)
Schooled by Anisha Lakhani(prize)
The Monster of Florence by Douglas Preston and Mario Spezi (prize)
The Gifted Gabaldon Sisters by Lorraine Lopez(gift)
The Best Place to Be by Lesley Dormen(prize)
Alive in Necropolis by Doug Dorst.(prize)
Rain Fall, Hard Rain and Rain Storm, Killing Rain and The Last Assassin by Barry Eisler
With Endless Sight by Allison Pittman (BBAW giveaway win)
The Strength of a Sparrow by Tim Anders(Bostick Communications)
A Thousand Splendid Suns by Khalid Housseini
Toxin by Robin Cook
The Eyes of Darkness by Dean Koontz
Harsh Cry of the Heron by Lian Heron
The Book of the Dead by Douglas Preston and Lincoln Child

Monday, February 23, 2009

Teaser Tuesdays-2/24/09

Grab your current read.
Let the book fall open to a random page.
Share with us two (2) “teaser” sentences from that page, somewhere between lines 7 and 12.

You also need to share the title of the book that you’re getting your “teaser” from … that way people can have some great book recommendations if they like the teaser you’ve given!
Please avoid spoilers!

" 'It's been two weeks; do you have any idea what that does to a person? Your child missing, almost certainly dead and you don't know how or why.' " page 95, The Disappearance by Efrem Sigel.

Mailbox Monday-02/23/09

Friday- Cry of Justice by Jason Pratt (author)

Another one book week. Not to worry, though. I have a box on the way from Amazon. :)

Sunday, February 22, 2009

Sunday night with Oscar

Well, my Sunday night in front of the television has begun. Live From the Red Carpet has started on E!. The Academy Awards are on tonight if you did not know. I have my knitting with me which I have yet to get a picture of. The first sock will be finished before I remember to plug in my camera to charge so I can get a photo. I am loving the pattern I picked for my Dewey KAL socks. So, only one "star" so far. Mylie Cyrus. Not a fan of the dress. Well, the top is okay, the skirt is a little much.
Yes, I love looking at all the dresses. I never get all dressed up like this so I love living vicariously. :)

Will you be watching?

Book Giveaway Carnival

Next week Tracy at Bookroom Reviews will be hosting the Book Giveaway Carnival. I participated in the last one this past fall and will be participating again.

What does this mean for you?

Books, of course. I will have a few books to giveaway so be sure to come back here on Monday, March 2nd for more info.

If you would like to be a part of the carnival go here and find out more about it.

Sunday Salon (02/22/09)

The Sunday

February has turned out to be a slow reading month. There have been days when I haven't read at all! There is just so much going on this month, lots of changes occurring that are causing stress and a need to veg in front of the TV. I need a book that will just take me away from it all. I really need to get lost in a good book. One that will make me forget about everything else.

Any suggestions?

Saturday, February 21, 2009

All Things S

Claire of kiss a cloud has assigned me the letter S for the Ten Things I Love Meme. So, here it goes...

1.Siena. A beautiful city in Italy that I got to visit this past summer for the first time. I hope to get back there soon.
2.Summer. Not because of the heat but because I don't have to work. One of the perks of being a teacher. My husband and I love to travel so this is the perfect time to get away. This summer...
3.Scotland. I can't wait to go! I have never been there but I am already loving it. I have been reading all the travel books and am very excited about going.
4.Spas. I love relaxing and getting massages at really great spas. I don't make it to them very often, but when I do it is always a great experience. The best one. Willow Stream at the Fairmont Banff Springs.
5.Snow. I love the cold and watching snow fall from the clouds. I have tried skiing but it is not for me. Give me some boots and a warm snow suit and I will happily just go for a walk in the snow.
6.Sherbert. I am not that much of a fan of ice cream but I do love sherbert. Best flavors..rainbow, orange, lime. Yum.
7.Socks. My absolute favorite thing to knit.
8.Sisters. "I could never love anyone more than I love my sisters." I have two sisters and even though we don't see each other much or talk to each other that often, we are very close. I wish I lived back in CA to be nearer to them and the rest of my family.
9.Slurpees. This has been a favorite since I was a kid. My sisters and I would walk to 7 Eleven and get the biggest cups filled with a mix of Coke and cherry flavoured Slurpee.
10.Saturday/Sunday. There is no need to get up early. You have all day to do whatever you, knit, shop or clean if you must. It is actually time for me to get to some of that cleaning. Have a great weekend.

What do you love? Want a letter? Just let me know in the comments and I will assign you a letter. :)

Thursday, February 19, 2009

Booking Through Thursday-02/19/09

How do you arrange your books on your shelves? Is it by author, by genre, or do you just put it where it falls?”

I have always organized my music and my books by categories/genres. Since getting married my cd's are mixed now and organized in alphabetical order. My books, however, still have a bit of my old organization. We have one bookshelf filled with my husband's scifi books and my mystery, suspense thrillers, and urban fantasy books take up another. These books are all in one room along with old textbooks, travel books, work related books and histories. A wall of bookshelves! This picture was taken awhile ago. More books have been stuffed onto those shelves.

The other room with bookshelves has all my other books and these are all in alphabetical order. These are all mostly adult fiction but YA books have been starting to fill up a good space. This is also where I have my children's books and picture books. However, the majority of those are on a bookshelf in my classroom. Once again, this picture was taken back in July. I had started grouping all my YA books but had to change when I had to start using this tall bookshelf when the other two were full. The children's books keep moving further down.

I love my bookshelves. Before we invested in these the books lived in boxes and on windowsills. They were stacked along the walls. It's nice having them all organized .

Books to be read live on and around my nightstand. I am in need of some bookshelves in my bedroom. All my knitting books are still on the windowsill!

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Friends Award

Jenners of Find Your Next Book Here has very sweetly awarded me the Friends Award. Thanks, Jenners!

So, time to pass it on. I am passing this one on to a few of you who comment regularly.

TheBlackSheep at Black Sheep Books
Dar atPeeking Between the Pages
Naida at the bookworm
Anna at Diary of An Eccentric

Thank you, thank you to all of you.

I know I am not the best at commenting regularly, but I plan on getting better at that. :)


Playing along with Alea.

1. Name a TV show series in which you have seen every episode at least twice:

2. Name a show you can’t miss:
Big Love

3. Name an actor that would make you more inclined to watch a show:
David Borreanaz
David Duchovney

4. Name an actor who would make you less likely to watch a show:
Charlie Sheen (ditto)

5. Name a show you can, and do, quote from:

6. Name a show you like that no one else enjoys:
Most Haunted

7. Name a TV show which you’ve been known to sing the theme song:
Big Love

8. Name a show you would recommend everyone to watch:
Pushing Daisies (ditto again, but now it is cancelled)

9. Name a TV series you own:
Sex and the City

10. Name an actor who launched his/her entertainment career in another medium, but has surprised you with his/her acting choices in television:
Ice T (on Law and Order)

11. What is your favorite episode of your favorite series?
Tooms, X-Files

12. Name a show you keep meaning to watch, but you just haven’t gotten around to yet:
Firefly! Loved Serenity but have yet to see the tv show.

13. Ever quit watching a show because it was so bad?
YES! I have stopped watching Grey's Anatomy, House (not bad but have lost interest in it), ER,

14. Name a show that’s made you cry multiple times:
Cry? No clue.

15. What do you eat when you watch TV?

16. How often do you watch TV?
Every night except Saturdays.

17. What’s the last TV show you watched?
Just finished watching Dirty Jobs

18. What’s your favourite/preferred genre of TV?
What is X-Files considered?

19. What was the first TV show you were obsessed with?
Cosby Show

20. What TV show do you wish you never watched?

21. What’s the weirdest show you enjoyed?
Twin Peaks

22. What TV show scared you the most?

23. What is the funniest TV show you have ever watched?
Right now, How I Met Your Mother

24. What show was cancelled too early?
Pushing Daisies!

Tuesday Thingers-02/17/09

How do you get your books for reviewing? Do you track them somehow (excel, database, etc), or just put them in a tbr (To Be Read for anyone that doesn't know) pile?

Well, I am still new at this and am still figuring out the whole reviewing thing. My first ARC was through Library Thing's Early Reviewer Program. Since I joined in September I have received four books. The two most recent are still waiting to be read.

I have agreed to read books from a couple authors who have emailed me. Others I have turned down because I had no time or the book didn't look like something I would be interested in. I was emailed to be a blog tour host a few months ago so I have gotten a couple through there. These books come with a review posting date so it is much easier to stay up with them.

I definitely don't have that many ARC's to review that I would need a database or Excel spreadsheet to keep track of them. I do, however, have a lot of my own books for challenges that need reading. :)

Book Review- Artemis Fowl and Artemis Fowl: The Arctic Incident by Eoin Colfer

Artemis Fowl (Book 1) Artemis Fowl by Eoin Colfer

The reader is continually told that Artemis Fowl, a wealthy 12 year old genius, is a criminal mastermind, yet there isn't much to him that I would consider "criminal" or "evil". He just seems like a boy who is used to getting what he wants and takes any means necessary (within reason) to get it. I found myself more interested in Butler, Artemis' butler and bodyguard. It is an interesting relationship they have. I did like Captain Holly Short and the whole LEPrecon Unit concept. This was a different take on Fairie that I had not read before. Absolute favorite character: Mulch Diggums. Once he unhinged that jaw and undid his back flap I was a fan.


Artemis Fowl: The Arctic Incident (Artemis Fowl, Book 2) Artemis Fowl: The Arctic Incident by Eoin Colfer

Just as I thought... Artemis Fowl is not a bad guy. He has a heart and some morals. Really. There are some mentions of his exploits, his crimes to get a hold of lots of money, which I suppose could qualify him to be called a "criminal mastermind" but it is all done for a good reason. He is desperately trying to find his father who has been missing for two years.

Holly Short is back with the LEPrecon Unit and this time they work together with Artemis and Butler.
Mulch Diggums makes an appearance again as well and once again helps in a way no one else can.


I have to say, I keep picturing Dexter from Dexter's Laboratory as Artemis Fowl. I just can't stop.

Serial Readers Challenge

Monday, February 16, 2009

Mailbox Monday-02/16/09

There were no books in the mail last week and hardly any this week. I did get one on Thursday, however, and it made my day. Circle of Magic: Sandry's Book by Tamora Pierce through BookMooch.

Saturday, February 14, 2009

winding away

christmas gift

I am absolutely in love with my Christmas gift that the hubby gave me. I used it for the first time tonight. I managed not to make a total mess of it but did forget to hold on to the end when I removed my lovely orange yarn cake. So, yeah, I lost my center pull. I will remember to hold on to it next time. I took a photo of the finished cake but with the sun having set it is not a very good one. I will have take another tomorrow.

This is the Spinning Colors yarn that I will be using for Dewey's KAL.

Friday, February 13, 2009

Patrick Carman- Webcast Tonight!

Live Webcast Event Today, Friday the 13th
Watch the live webcast!
Author Q and A / Presentation
6:30PM (PST) at Third Place Books in Seattle, WA.

Watch the live webcast and ask questions via chat here:

This is a very cool book. Haven't heard about it? You can find out more about the book here and/or see my review.
Then check out the webcast TONIGHT!

Thursday, February 12, 2009

Guest Post: Jason Pratt

Please welcome Jason Pratt, author of Cry of Justice. He is on a Blog Tour to promote the first book in his new fantasy trilogy.


I can't help but feel horribly depressed this time of year, for my own reasons. But true love would fix all that right? And everything would then have a happy ending, right?


Well, maybe. It depends--not on true love, but on me. The selfish side of my mind and soul, you see, is not really all that interested in true love. In fact, that part of me is scared spitless by true love. That part of me would much rather have someone who is addicted to me, and who lives as an extension of my life. True love is far more threatening.

The main heroine of my novel, Cry of Justice, endemically embodies this problem with my ego and pride and self-centeredness. Not that this is all she is and does; but whenever I preach I tend to preach against myself. {wry g} And bless her heart, Portunista often ends up saddled with being the exemplar of the worst parts of myself. This kind of preaching is going on, against that hellish attitude in the back of my mind, at the end of CoJ.

Writing from her hindsight, summing up her thoughts and feelings about how she was in the past (the main timeline of the story), Portunista, now a beloved Empress, assesses her greatest failure--in principle, and in practice:

"Our choices affect the momentum of our minds--and I had chosen wrongly; and so my pride was once again at stake: my pride in my present, and in my future, and in myself.

I had convinced myself, once more, that [someone who truly loves her] was a threat.

"And, indeed, he was. He was a threat to my self--the most dangerous threat one's self can face.

"What I didn't understand--what I refused to understand--but what I understand now, is this:

"There is a threat that enslaves the self, to another self. And this, I still believe, should be resisted, to the very blood.

"But there is another threat.

"It takes away the food of the self, gnawing upon the self," and gives to the self... everything else.

“The first, the hideous threat, resembles the other; making the hideous threat more hideous. But--the second threat should be accepted, when it is given, if it is given, if ever it is perceived; for much the same reason a mouth and tongue should eat, ideally of anything—except themselves.

"How is _that_ a threat?! Is it not glorious?!

"Yes; it is glorious.

But, it means one's self must be dependent, after all, on something other than one's self. And I, myself, refused to accept that truth--that threat."

If you know that someone truly loves you, please accept that love if you can, as much as you can, tomorrow.

And happy Valentine's Day.

Jason Pratt


About the Author:

Jason Pratt is a native of West Tennessee, and the systems manager for Dyer Fiberglass, Inc. He holds a bachelor of communications degree from the University of Tennessee, Knoxville. When he isn’t freelance editing other people’s books or writing philosophical treatises as a respected guest on various Internet sites, he can be found pondering tactics and strategies in the latest wargame or studying metaphysics and world history. Occasionally he finds the time to instruct, judge and compete in the art of fencing; and has been known to write cinematic epic fantasies when people aren’t looking. CRY OF JUSTICE is the first book of an initial trilogy, the third book of which he is currently composing.

Booking Through Thursday-02/12/09

A comment on someone else’s BTT question this week inspired this question:
Do you read any author’s blogs? If so, are you looking for information on their next project? On the author personally? Something else?

I do follow a few author blogs and mostly because of their personality and interesting posts. Some I actually began following before reading their books. There are many authors whose books I read but not their blogs because they just don't interest me.

These are ones I read daily.

Melissa Walker
Beth Kephart
Maureen Johnson

I also just realized that all of them are YA authors. :)

Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Premios Dardo Award

My very first award!

I was very excited when Callista from SMS Book Reviews let me know that she awarded me this. You see these and others being passed around the blogs and wish (I bet I am not the only one) that someone would want to give you to one. Plus this gives me a chance to pass it on, which is always a great thing.

Thanks, Callista!

This award acknowledges the values that every blogger shows in his/her effort to transmit cultural, ethical, literary and personal values every day.

The rules to follow are:
1. Accept the award, post it on your blog together with the name of the person that has granted the award and his or her blog link.

2. Pass the award to at least 5 blogs that are worthy of this acknowledgment. Remember to contact each of them to let them know they have been chosen for this award.

Here are 5 blogs and bloggers I would like to pass this on to:

Natasha at Maw Books Blog
Alea at Pop Culture Junkie
Stephanie at The Written Word
Matt at A Guy's Moleskine Notebook
Ruth at Bookish Ruth

but I could go on. All the blogs I read are deserving of awards.

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Tuesday Thingers-02/10/09

Do you use a rating system on your blog? How do you feel about using the rating system provided on sites like Library Thing and Amazon? When looking up information on a book you are interested in, do you use the ratings provided by these sites (or similar sites) to help you make the decision on purchasing the book?

I do use a rating system but have been wondering whether or not it is useful or necessary. I know when I look for info on a new book I read the synopsis and reviews first before looking at the ratings. Same as with movies. You can't always trust them. However, sometimes ratings are good for quick reference or for when a review is not clear.

My rating system:

5/5 Amazing!
4/5 Really liked it
3/5 Liked it
2/5 Okay
1/5 Didn't like it

Saturday, February 7, 2009

Book Review- Fault Line by Barry Eisler

Fault Line: A Novel Fault Line: A Novel by Barry Eisler

When a client with a new encryption software (Obsidian) and the officer in charge of the patent application are both found dead, Alex Treven turns to his estranged brother for help after being threatened himself. His brother, Ben, is an assassin for the US Government who unwittingly finds himself back in the Bay Area to help his younger brother, who he has not spoken to in six years.

The story of the brothers' estrangement and family history is nicely mixed with the suspense and action of trying to hide and stay alive of those who would like to wipe all traces of Obsidian away. Very entertaining and fast paced, full of great Bay Area places that I am familiar with. Very fun to read and get lost in for an afternoon.

I got this book through Library Thing's Early Reviewers. The book will be released on March 10th.


AtoZ Challenge

Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Teaser Tuesdays-2/3/09

Grab your current read.
Let the book fall open to a random page.
Share with us two (2) “teaser” sentences from that page, somewhere between lines 7 and 12.

You also need to share the title of the book that you’re getting your “teaser” from … that way people can have some great book recommendations if they like the teaser you’ve given!
Please avoid spoilers!

"At the corner of Tahmis Cad and Hasircilar Cad he could see them coming toward him, about forty feet away. His heart was beating hard now." Page 32, Fault Line by Barry Eisler.

Monday, February 2, 2009

Book Review- The Amazing Adventures of Kavalier & Clay by Michael Chabon

The Amazing Adventures of Kavalier & Clay The Amazing Adventures of Kavalier & Clay by Michael Chabon
Finally. I finished the last book I had chosen for the New Classics Challenge. The Amazing Adventures of Kavalier & Clay by Michael Chabon. It took me much longer to read than I thought it would. It shouldn’t have surprised me, though, it is 656 pages long in not very big print.

So, what did I think?

Well, I loved it. It had a great combination of fantasy and historical fiction. The story follows cousins Sammy Clay and Joe Kavalier while they find success as comic book writers/artists in New York City in the time surrounding WWII. Both have reasons to lose themselves in their created comic world of Empire City and live vicariously through their superheroes. Joe is trying to help his family escape from Nazi occupied Czechoslovakia and Sammy is coming to terms with his sexuality.

There are chapters thrown in throughout where they diverge from Sammy and Joe and tell their Comics characters stories. Even these, however, give us insight into Sammy and Joe since they put so much of themselves into them. Their main character is The Escapists who fights fictional versions of Nazis and Hitler. It is a way for Joe to fight against those he can’t do so for real. Also, the Escapists alter ego is Tom Mayflower who has a lame leg and walks with a cane. Sammy is hindered a bit by his own legs due to having polio as a child.

So many aspects of this book make it worthy of its Pulitzer Prize. The story of these two cousins is so intriguing and inspiring. It makes you believe that anyone can be a superhero. Superheroes are not only in comics and novels.


New Classics Challenge
AtoZ Challenge

Mailbox Monday-02/02/09


from Barnes & Noble

Artemis Fowl
Artemis Fowl: The Arctic Incident
Artemis Fowl: The Eternity Code
Artemis Fowl: The Opal Deception

all by Eoin Colfer

A Lion Among Men by Gregory Maguire

(This shipment made up for my lack of books last week.)


The Canterbury Tales by Geoffrey Chaucer New Unabridged ( Library Thing Early Reviewers)

Sunday, February 1, 2009

Sunday Salon (02/01/09)

The Sunday

It's Super Bowl Sunday.

Do you know who is playing today?

I sure don't and yet there will be friends coming over to watch. I can't lie, if no one was coming over I probably wouldn't watch. I have a book to finish and a couple ARC's to read and review before the end of the month. My Sunday could be better spent.

Now, I am not saying I don't like watching sports. I love college football and basketball, but the NFL, not so much. NBA? Only during playoffs and then if only teams or payers I like are in it. Have to root for the Kings ( I went to UCDavis and lived in Sacramento a year after that), Spurs (well, it's hard not to when you live in Austin), Mavericks (now that they have Jason Kidd), Golden State (because that is my in-laws team to watch).

Anyway, with football, the NFL I mean...if the 49ers aren't playing, well, I really don't care. So basically, I haven't cared for a very long time.

For those of you who can't wait for the game to start. Enjoy!
If your team is playing, I wish them good luck.

I think I will be the one sitting behind our guests with a book or some knitting in hand.