
Saturday, February 28, 2009

embossed leaves socks

My newest WIP is coming along nicely. The pattern is Embossed Leaves (Mona Schmidt) from Interweave's Favorite Socks. It isn't one of the patterns I said I was thinking about, but it seemed more appropriate for the KAL. Dewey's blog was(is) titled The Hidden Side of the Leaf. Perfect right?

The only thing I have done differently from the pattern is where to start on the gusset. The pattern calls for cutting the yarn after the heel flap and then picking up stitches on the right side of the heel. I decided to just pick up along the left so I didn't have to cut and rejoin. The only change. 

Still have a bit of the foot left to knit and then it is on to the toe. It looks much different than my usual toe so I am excited to get to it.  I love lace patterned socks. They always seem to knit up much faster than plain stockinette ones. Do you get that same feeling?

(Steph, I am loving your yarn!)


  1. Love the socks.. these are on my list to make. I have some Lornas laces sport to use... I hope that works well. Yours are gorgeous!

  2. Alas I looked at pattern after pattern for socks today and didn't find a one I thought I could knit without struggling. I need a knitting partner to babysit me, lol

  3. Toni- Thanks! Can't wait to see yours I bet they would look great in Lorna's Laces.

    Aunt Kathy-The easiest pattern I have found and best instructions are in Stephanie Pearl-McPhee's Knitting Rules. You should check that out. :)

  4. I think so, too. I guess it's because the pattern keeps my attention better. :-)

  5. I'm the opposite. I don't like knitting lace much, and I make mistakes, so it takes longer. Besides, I knit plain while on the phone, so it seems like they just fly off the needles.

  6. Mari... I finished one sock. I wish I hadn't broke the yarn...there didn't really seem like there was a need to do that. Otherwise it is a really cool pattern..and fast moving.... :)


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