
Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Friends Award

Jenners of Find Your Next Book Here has very sweetly awarded me the Friends Award. Thanks, Jenners!

So, time to pass it on. I am passing this one on to a few of you who comment regularly.

TheBlackSheep at Black Sheep Books
Dar atPeeking Between the Pages
Naida at the bookworm
Anna at Diary of An Eccentric

Thank you, thank you to all of you.

I know I am not the best at commenting regularly, but I plan on getting better at that. :)


  1. Thanks so much! That's real sweet of you! I hear you on the commenting. We just do the best we can.

    Diary of an Eccentric

  2. Thanks so much Mari for thinking of me for this award. Yup, sometimes those comments are hard to keep up with especially if you want to get anything else done. lol.

  3. Congratulations on the award! I'm where you are. I simply can't comment on a regular basis and read and keep up with reviews. Wish I could. I do read most all of the posts. Commenting just takes too long some days. So I understand about that.

  4. That is a great way to pass on the award! Loved it! And I know what you mean about commenting -- I try my best but it is just impossible to go everywhere every day. I also make things worse for myself by having 3 blogs. I think I have a problem.

    And I see you're currently reading The Disappearance! Cant' wait to see what you think!

  5. Commenting is especially difficult if I don't keep up with my Google Reader or read while at work since I can't go to blogs. I try to comment on at least a few daily. I am always reading, though. :)


Thanks for taking the time to comment! :)