
Saturday, February 21, 2009

All Things S

Claire of kiss a cloud has assigned me the letter S for the Ten Things I Love Meme. So, here it goes...

1.Siena. A beautiful city in Italy that I got to visit this past summer for the first time. I hope to get back there soon.
2.Summer. Not because of the heat but because I don't have to work. One of the perks of being a teacher. My husband and I love to travel so this is the perfect time to get away. This summer...
3.Scotland. I can't wait to go! I have never been there but I am already loving it. I have been reading all the travel books and am very excited about going.
4.Spas. I love relaxing and getting massages at really great spas. I don't make it to them very often, but when I do it is always a great experience. The best one. Willow Stream at the Fairmont Banff Springs.
5.Snow. I love the cold and watching snow fall from the clouds. I have tried skiing but it is not for me. Give me some boots and a warm snow suit and I will happily just go for a walk in the snow.
6.Sherbert. I am not that much of a fan of ice cream but I do love sherbert. Best flavors..rainbow, orange, lime. Yum.
7.Socks. My absolute favorite thing to knit.
8.Sisters. "I could never love anyone more than I love my sisters." I have two sisters and even though we don't see each other much or talk to each other that often, we are very close. I wish I lived back in CA to be nearer to them and the rest of my family.
9.Slurpees. This has been a favorite since I was a kid. My sisters and I would walk to 7 Eleven and get the biggest cups filled with a mix of Coke and cherry flavoured Slurpee.
10.Saturday/Sunday. There is no need to get up early. You have all day to do whatever you, knit, shop or clean if you must. It is actually time for me to get to some of that cleaning. Have a great weekend.

What do you love? Want a letter? Just let me know in the comments and I will assign you a letter. :)


  1. Love your list! I've obsessed with Scotland..if I had been given an "s" it'd have been on my list for sure :D

  2. Love your list, Mari! Isn't S a great letter?? :)
    I especially love 'sisters' (I miss my sisters..).

  3. Really enjoyed reading your list - I would love a letter!

  4. Nymeth- I will take lots of pics to share.

    Claire- I miss mine too.

    karen- Thanks! I give you the letter M. Have fun.

  5. I love knitting, but socks scare me. I've got books on how to do them, but for some reason I'm just too scared to take the plunge!

  6. Thanks, Lenore. :)

    Fyrefly- You just have to jump right i and give it a try. They are not as hard as they look. :)

  7. I would love to see Scotland as well!


Thanks for taking the time to comment! :)