
Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Tuesday Thingers-02/17/09

How do you get your books for reviewing? Do you track them somehow (excel, database, etc), or just put them in a tbr (To Be Read for anyone that doesn't know) pile?

Well, I am still new at this and am still figuring out the whole reviewing thing. My first ARC was through Library Thing's Early Reviewer Program. Since I joined in September I have received four books. The two most recent are still waiting to be read.

I have agreed to read books from a couple authors who have emailed me. Others I have turned down because I had no time or the book didn't look like something I would be interested in. I was emailed to be a blog tour host a few months ago so I have gotten a couple through there. These books come with a review posting date so it is much easier to stay up with them.

I definitely don't have that many ARC's to review that I would need a database or Excel spreadsheet to keep track of them. I do, however, have a lot of my own books for challenges that need reading. :)


  1. I've gotten a few through LT too. And I enjoy Blog Tours too :)

  2. :) Mari - you are so lucky to have recieved some LTER books! I keep signing up, but not getting picked!

    Thanks for participating in Thingers last week! I've got the post up for this week - What's your favorite genre? ~ Wendi


Thanks for taking the time to comment! :)