
Sunday, August 30, 2009

Sunday Salon (8/30/09)

Happy Sunday! The last sunday of August actually. How did that happen?

The Sunday

So, I guess it is time for a bit of a review of the month.

A bit of a slow month reading-wise. I did manage to complete one challenge this month, though. Yay. I have also signed up for another despite being far from completing the others on that sidebar. I just can't help myself when it comes to challenges.

Here are my books read this month:

64. A Circle of Souls by Preetham Grandhi
63. The Texicans by Nina VIda
62. Undercover by Beth Kephart
61. Twilight by Stephenie Meyer
60. Knots and Crosses by Ian Rankin
59. Back Creek by Leslie Goestch

Only 6! Have to pick it up a bit if I want to make much of a dent in my TBR pile. Lots of books still to be read and so many more I want to get a hold of!


Thanks to Lit and Life for bestowing upon me this great award. This one is a first for me. I love the panda. :) I feel like I have been a terrible commenter lately so I feel quite honored to get it.

I of course must pass this one on because I love comments, as most bloggers do. These lovely bloggers leave some of the best!

Be sure to visit them and leave them some comments! :)


I am going to leave you with a clip of one of my favorite songs that I got to hear live last night at the Depeche Mode concert in Dallas.  




  1. Thank you so much for the award! It's such a pretty one and I've never gotten it before.

  2. You read some good books this month. I want to read A Circle of Souls too. Congrats on the award too!

  3. wow, how cool is that. witness to a live performance of a favorite song. I love that.

  4. Looks like you've a great reading month!
    Congrats on the award! :)

  5. Congratulations for the award and for passing it along to me :)

  6. Congrats and thanks for passing it on!

  7. Congratulations for winning the award and thank you for passing it on to me.

  8. Thank you soooo much for the award Mari and I feel really bad that I can't comment on your blog much, blame it on the embedded comment box :)

    Congrats on your awards!!!

  9. jealous you went to the concert.

    I saw them ~14 years ago (yikes) and loved the show.

    I actually had that song stuck in my head this morning as I walked in the doors to work.

  10. Hey Mari! I tagged you for a fun meme! :P


Thanks for taking the time to comment! :)