
Wednesday, August 19, 2009

First Challenge of 2009 Completed

I have completed my first challenge of 2009! J.Kaye's YA Book Challenge. I could have finished it awhile ago considering all the YA books I read but I wanted to end on one of the books I had originally listed when I signed up. So, I am done and it was a lot of fun. Hoping there will be another next year!

Here is my completed list:

1. Courage in Patience by Beth Fehlbaum
2. You Know You Love Me (Gossip Girl 2) by Cecily von Zeigesar
3. Speak by Laurie Halse Anderson
4. Sandry's Book ( Circle of Magic) by Tamora Pierce
5. ttyl by Lauren Myracle
6. Glass Houses by Rachel Caine
7. The Disreputable History of Frankie Landau-Banks by E. Lockhart
8. The Dead Girl's Dance by Rachel Caine
9. The Graveyard Book by Neil Gaiman
10. How To Be Popular by Meg Cabot
11. Impulse by Ellen Hopkins
12. Undercover by Beth Kephart



  1. Congrats on finishing the challenge!
    I'm hoping to read Speak soon since I've heard nothing but raves about that book!

  2. YAY! I know this is one I will finish with flying colors too. I kept mine open end.

  3. You are a real "book-eater", I see. Congratulations, Mari!

  4. Great job! I did the same thing - I wanted to finish my original list instead of just using any of my day to day YA reads.

  5. AWESOME!!! I am so YA books!!

  6. It's a great feeling when you complete a challenge. Congratulations!

  7. Congratulations--you should feel proud. Some good titles there too.

  8. Thanks! This was a really fun Challenge. :)

  9. ughh! i'm still slogging away on my one (and only) challenge...and i think it's going to take me until summer 2010 to finish the 30 books. so far i've read 7 (almost 8!)...22 to go. great job on this challenge!

  10. boklineandsinker- what challenge did you join? That is a lot of books! :)

    Natalie W- Thanks!


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