
Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Book Review- Undercover by Beth Kephart

Undercover Undercover by Beth Kephart

Elisa has a way with words. Her metaphors and similes come in handy for the boys at her school who come to her for poems to pass on to the girls they pine for. She is the female Cyrano d' Bergerac of her school. She considers herself an "undercover operative", not quite on the radar of the boys or the girls, sometimes not even with her teachers, but always there watching and seeing things they don't. UNDERCOVER tells the story of Elisa as she discovers that she is not as "undercover" as she thinks she is.

Another beautiful story by Beth Kephart. I read HOUSE OF DANCE last year and loved it, and now I love this one even more. I am not much of a poetry reader, but this book has definitely got me interested in reading some. I loved Elisa's English teacher and how she helped her develop her talent of writing and also to find a love and understanding of other's poetry. That is what I need!

On top of that, this is a very sweet story about a young girl discovering who she is, her strengths and loves, and then finding the courage to share with others openly.


YA Book Challenge
AtoZ Challenge



  1. I am almost positive Nona read this one too. She loved it...these are her kind of stories. :) Great review!

  2. Mine, too. Great book and the last one on my list for the YA challenge. I am done with my first challenge of the year.

  3. WOW! Congratulations! I think my first to complete was Serial Readers Challenge.

  4. This sounds sweet. Thanks for the review.

  5. I think I will let my wife know about this one.

  6. Mari, congratulations!! I'm not sure I have a challenge in me just now, but I know that I am grateful (very) that you chose UNDERCOVER as part of your summer reading. And that I am so very grateful for your words. We are about to leave on a short vacation and I will link to this when we get back.

  7. Thanks, Beth. I am very grateful for your words. :) I am such a fan.

  8. I like this one. Thanks for the review.


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