
Saturday, March 28, 2009

End of March Madness (Sunday Salon)

The Sunday
It is hard to believe it is already nearing the end of March. The month has gone by so quickly. It has been a good month bookwise. I have read some really good books and have managed to get them all reviewed. Well, almost. I have one more to come.

March Books Read and Reviewed:

19. The Reader by Bernhard Schlink
18. Glass Houses by Rachel Caine
17. The Gifted Galbadón Sisters by Lorraine López
16. Artemis Fowl: The Eternity Code by Eoin Colfer
15. Schooled by Anisha Lakhani
14. Sandry's Book by Tamora Pierce

Reviews to come:
21. Cry of Justice by Jason Pratt
20. The Disreputable History of Frankie Landau-Banks by E.Lockhart 

You can disregard the numbers, they are just for me. Keeping track of the number of books read in 2009. I can't believe there are some who have already ready over 100 books! How is that possible? I thought 20 was pretty good. :)

How many books have you read so far this year?

Mo of Unmainstream Mom Reads has given me an award. It feels like yesterday when I got my very first Premio Dardos Award. Thanks so much, Mo! You should all go and check out the other blogs she awarded it to. There are some really great ones on that list.

This award acknowledges the values that every blogger shows in his or her effort to transmit cultural, ethical, literary, and personal values every day.

The rules to follow are:

1) Accept the award, post it on your blog together with the name of the person who has granted the award and his or her blog link.

2) Pass the award to 15 other blogs that are worthy of this acknowledgment. Remember to contact the bloggers to let them know they have been chosen for this award.

It is so hard to pick a few from my long list of blogs I read so once I again I pass this on to everyone who Follows me and to those I Follow! you are all worthy of this award.

With the end of March comes the start of the Classics Reading Challenge hosted by Trish. I posted my list of books for this challenge a few weeks ago and now I must make a choice for what book to start with. I am thinking I will start right at the top and begin with The Canterbury Tales by Geoffrey Chaucer. I received my copy through Library Thing's Early Reviewers and feel I should read and get a review up soon. It is a very nice unabridged edition and I love the cover.

Which classic will you be reading in April?


  1. I've read 50 books so far this year, but it's been my best reading year so far. I'll have to think about a classic to read this year!

  2. Wow! I am definitely not a fast reader. :)

  3. well, i started my book blog on march 1, 2009 (but i've been blogging for over a year on my 'life' blog) and have read 15 books this month. i've written 5 reviews and 2 more ready to go for this week. i have 21 books in my TBR pile...and it keeps growing. i'm afraid of it.

  4. I can't seem to keep up with my own TBR pile either. :) Love your new blog by the way.


Thanks for taking the time to comment! :)