
Thursday, May 19, 2016

Up All Night

We have all gotten very little sleep. Running on fumes here.

The little girl was up vomiting almost every hour from 8pm to 2am. Poor little thing. She was miserable and I feel like a zombie. Up munching on a bagel and having a cup of coffee while she finally sleeps, the poor girl. 

While up last night, I did finally finish reading Armada by Ernest Cline.  Have to say, I did't enjoy it as much as Ready Player One. It didn't have the same feel to it despite the inclusion of the SciFi pop culture references. It was a bit predictable and not as fun.

Alright, back to bed I go. For a little while, at least. I doubt the little girl will be asleep for much longer. 

Happy Napping!


  1. Oh no, I'm so sorry. Those stomach bugs are ruthless. I hope she's on the mend.

  2. Poor baby! And mama, too! Hope you didn't get it and that she's feeling better!


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