
Wednesday, May 25, 2016

Fit4Mom's Body Back

I just finished another session of Body Back with Fit4Mom. It is an 8 week session that includes two bootcamp-like workouts a week, nutrition guidance and meditation. A full body overhaul, if you will.

I have been taking these sessions pretty regularly for the past two years. The workouts are really great and a lot of fun when surrounded with other moms. Even better- I have seen results! 

I have lost over 15lbs. This might not seem like much for 2 years, but I find that losing slower is helping me to keep it off. However, what I am most proud of is the changes made in my strength, endurance and speed.

I couldn't run a mile without taking many walking breaks. I have now broken a 10m mile. I could't do more than a few push ups. I now can do 20+ in a minute. I could barely hold plank for a minute. I have held it for 3min.   

On to the next session!

Happy Wednesday!


  1. That's really wonderful when you can see such progress! It's good to remind ourselves once in a while, too.

  2. Sounds like a great program. I still can't do push-ups.


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