
Wednesday, February 5, 2014

Pancakes for Dinner

It has been a rough week here with the little girl being so sick, the hubby being out of town and myself fighting off something. The little girl and I have barely left the house and the fridge and pantry  definitely started looking a little bare. 
So Monday night we had ourselves some breakfast for dinner.


I had flour, a couple eggs and just enough milk to make a small batch for the two of us. The little girl requested Minnie Mouse and I was happy to oblige. She wanted a bow but I just couldn't figure out how to do that. We added berries instead.

Sometimes the simplest meals made from whatever you can scrape together turn out to be the best. We really enjoyed those pancakes. I was really just happy the little girl felt well enough to enjoy some food without hacking and wheezing. It was also fun to watch her make Minnie's face with the raspberries and blueberries. 


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