
Friday, February 7, 2014

Martha Stewart Bacon Wrapped Chicken Tenders

I am not usually a fan of Martha Stewart recipes because they can be a bit long and tedious, but this recipe was great. Quick and easy. Just what I like. And really, how can you go wrong with anything wrapped in bacon? Yum! You can find the recipe here.

The recipe calls for fresh sage leaves, which I did not have, but that was okay. I had two frozen chicken breast marinated with dried herbs and olive oil that had plenty of flavor for this dish. Cut into even strips, I wrapped each with one slice of bacon then pan fried on the stove just as the recipes says. Perfect! The chicken was cooked through nicely the bacon was crispy. The little girl ate the bacon off only one and some of the chicken but not a problem. More for me.
I made my go-to side. Roasted potatoes.  This time I added 1/2 an onion I had in the fridge and the last if our baby carrots. Seasoned it all with salt and pepper, Trader Joe's Everyday Seasoning, and a clove of garlic and tossed it in olive oil. At 425 degrees for 30-40 minutes - made for some yummy veggies. 
This was really quite good. I will definitely be making it again. In fact, I think I will go warm up the leftovers for my lunch. Oh, and add a salad for a nicely balanced meal. 

Bon Appétit!

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  1. Now that's a great idea! I'll be off to the shop today to get some bacon. Cheers

    1. We have three packages in our freezer! The advantage of parents taking me to Costco while they were here. :)

    2. I wrapped bacon round some chicken thighs and it was delicious! Thanks for the idea. Cheers

  2. Sounds delicious and would be great for guests too! Thanks for this recipe - I have pinned it!

  3. I agree with bacon-wrapped anything being good. Love roasted veggies too!

    1. Roasted veggies are the best. I love to chop all the veggies, mix them with olive oil and seasoning and keep them in the freezer. I then always have a side to throw in the oven whenever I need it. :)

  4. Have put the link for the bacon wrapped chicken tenders in. Forgot to do that when I retyped up the post.

    Enjoy them!

  5. I am pinning this too- it looks wonderful!

  6. Bacon and chicken. Now there's a combo that would go over well in my house!

    1. I will have to make it again with the hubby is home. He would love it.

  7. My favorite meat is chicken, then bacon, so this sounds awesome! I also love roasted veggies and salad, so I'm going to make this meal sometime soon! Thanks for such a great meal idea!

    1. Great! Hope you enjoy it. Chicken is my favorite, too. :)

  8. Looks yummy. The roast potatoes look great, too!

    Joy's Book Blog

  9. It all sounds delicious...and well bacon ;)

    Shelleyrae @ Book'd Out

  10. What a great recipe. Will try it next time we cook chicken breasts.
    Book Dilettante

  11. Bacon + chicken is one of my favorite combos. Love to try some of that Trader Joe's seasoning--we don't have any TJ stores down here in Fla.

    1. You don't? Well, if you email e your address I would be happy to send you some. It's really good.

  12. Martha Stewart can be hit or miss for me. Often I find that they are not enough bang for the buck or in other words for the time and effort involved, they are not that special. This looks like a good one though.

    1. That is exactly my problem with her recipes. I was pleasantly surprised at the simplicity and yumminess of this one.


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