
Wednesday, May 16, 2012

WIP on Wednesday: Hexipuffs!!

I have joined the Hexipuff bandwagon. These little guys are so addictive and just so darn cute and squishy. Any of you making some as well? I believe it will take me years to make enough for even a small blanket for the little girl but they are fun, easy to make and a great little project during tv watching. 
#knitting some #hexipuffs
Check out Tiny Owl Knits' blog for more info on the pattern.


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  1. Yay, hexipuffs! I want to do so many things with them, once the initial blanket is done (which isn't too far off, if I ever have knitting time again.) :p

  2. I keep hearing about hexipuffs and I have to admit I am tempted as they look so good! Good luck with yours!

  3. I think I have 4 puffs so far, but I've been feeling the itch to get back to them lately. They're so satisfying to make, aren't they? Enjoy the addiction!

  4. Hexipuffs are my favorite take along project. So fun and portable. Yours are looking great!

  5. Cute hexipuffs. I haven't started yet ... :-)


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