
Saturday, May 12, 2012

Toddler Tales 1: Meltdowns

Starting a new little segment for the blog today. It's not book related, so bare with me.

I thought about starting a whole new blog to share stories about life with a toddler, but i knew I wouldn't post enough to make it worth it. So, I give you my own Toddler Tales posts. I have no schedule set yet, we will see just how much i have to share Hoping some of you will appreciate these...

Toddler Tales:

The little girl has had two meltdowns this week. I mean-uncontrollable and unconsolable full on ugly cry. They are seemingly over nothing, but as I told the hubby, in her little head I am sure she had a very good reason for being so upset.

The first time was when we didn't go in to a gallery we drove to because it was closed. By the time we walked back to the car she was beside herself. She didn't calm down until we got downtown, in her stroller and walking along the busy SF streets.

Yesterday she broke down when we got to a restaurant for dinner. She had been asleep in the car and thought we were headed home. We had left Nana's with that intention but decided to go to Half Moon Bay for dinner. We had to take our food to go. Even the oyster crackers didn't make her happy. Took a yogurt in her chair at home to make her a little happier.

Looking back, I know she didn't have a good nap either day. Also, both times it had to do with not going where we had told her we were going. Lesson for mama- naps are very important!!! And, the little girl is very aware of everything now. She notices when we don't go where we say we are going. She doesn't like unexpected changes.

So, from now on - schedule naps and go over our daily schedule. She needs to know the plan for the day and reminders about what's next throughout the day. Also, going over what we did at the end of the day.

This I try and do already but I am not consistent. I would like to make reviewing the day a regular part of our dinner conversation. It would be great to make this routine now so that it will just happen naturally as she gets older.

Anyway, I know talking about my child's meltdown isn't what some might expect on Mother's Day, but I think it is appropriate since I am anticipating another meltdown tomorrow. We are heading to the in law's for the day and she never wants to nap there. Oh no. Also, dinner isn't until 6pm. Maybe I can convince the hubby to not head down until after her nap. *fingers crossed*

Happy Mother's Day!


  1. Happy Mother's Day! Good luck today with your little one.

    On another note, I have nominated you and your blog for a Liebster blog award. Check out my post about it here. Don't feel any pressure to do anything, but I do enjoy your blog!

  2. I can't tell you how much I miss those adorable little scenes like the one in the picture but I really, really would rather deal with a teenager in so many ways!


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