
Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Book Review- A Circle of Souls by Preetham Grandhi

A Circle of Souls A Circle of Souls by Preetham Grandhi

A young girl is abducted and brutally murdered. Another is in the hospital after almost jumping off her balcony in her sleep. Could there be a connection between the two? It doesn't seem possible until Dr. Peter Gram begins counseling Naya, a young adopted Indian girl who is having very vivid and terrifying dreams.

I really loved the paranormal aspect of the story and how it plays into the mystery of the young girl's death. I liked the Indian myths and folklore and how it came into play, definitely not something I had read about before but very interesting and intriguing. The plot and pacing were perfect for a good thriller and made for a great weekend read.

I can't wait to read more by Mr. Grandhi.


R.I.P IV Challenge



  1. I have this book also and I will be getting to read it soon. I'm relieved to hear you liked it, I can now breathe easier when I start reading it.

  2. This one sounds really good. I think I even got an email asking if I wanted to get it in a review copy, but this was before I realized those emails weren't just spam, so I just deleted it. Sad.

  3. I really liked this one too.

  4. This one sounds scary. Can you read it at night or will it give you nightmares?

    Btw, I passed on an award to you on my blog. Thanks for all of your great reviews!

  5. I'm glad you like it! I'm half-way through this book right now--so far, so good. :)

  6. ohhhh, darn.. lol.. this does sound interesting!

  7. I have an award for you

  8. I've go this one on the review pile and I'm really looking forward to it with so many great reviews!

  9. Just got the Mr. Darcy bookmark today in the mail! So exciting!!!!! Thanks so much for the sweet card and the extra large postcard as well! The bookmark is beautiful. Thanks again for hosting this giveaway. I'll try not too ruin the bookmark too much by my drool!!!!

  10. Sounds interesting. BTW, I finished Alive In Necropolis. Link no.75 at Carl's site for RIP IV.

  11. Love the sound of this!! Glad I stopped by and found it. Thanks for sharing.

  12. This comment has been removed by the author.

  13. I goofed up the first comment...Here it is again,

    I've passed on an award Mari, you can see it HERE.

  14. Thanks Heather and Bonnie!! I am finally checking them out. Sorry it has taken me so long!! :)


Thanks for taking the time to comment! :)