
Monday, September 7, 2009

Belated Sunday Salon

I am sitting in the Reno/Tahoe airport waiting for a flight to LAX where I will then get on a flight back to Austin. Does that sound backwards to anyone else? Anyway, I have been in Tahoe since Friday night for a really good friend's bachelorette party weekend. So much fun, great weather, beautiful local, and wonderful friends make for fun times. 

I brought along books but have only managed to read through half of City of Ashes and that was on the plane out here. I am thinking I will get the other half read on the plane home. I finished City of Bones before leaving. Wasn't going to jump right in to the next book since I have review books to read and I wasn't all that impressed with City of Bones anyway, however, I knew it would be an easy quick read for this trip. 

So, expect a review of both of these in the coming weeks. I may just wait to read the third book first and then do a review of the series in one post. 

I know there are some awards and memes that I have  yet to mention or do. I have been getting email notifications of comments but have been unable to visit your blogs all weekend. I will hopefully get caught up this week. 

Hope you all have had a nice weekend.


  1. I recently read City of Bones/Ashes/Glass and thought they were all right. Quick and fun.

  2. I've seen these books around, but haven't heard much about them...looks like I can hold off for a bit!

  3. I look forward to your reviews!
    Hope you've a great week ahead! :)


Thanks for taking the time to comment! :)