
Sunday, April 26, 2009

More Books in the House

There were more books in the mail this week. I finally got myself a copy of a book by Maureen Johnson. I have been reading her blog for awhile now but hadn't read any of her books! I bought The Bermudez Triangle and am looking forward to reading it soon.

Also purchased this week...Ink Exchange by Melissa Marr. That one was not planned but I wanted something to read while I ate my lunch at Panera yesterday. I forgot to bring my current read with me. I hate eating alone unless I have a book to keep me company.

One more. This one from the author for review. Crossed Wires by Rosy Thornton. I haven't read a romance novel in awhile so am looking forward to reading it.

And that is about it. What books came into your home this week?

Mailbox Monday is hosted by Marcia of The Printed Page

Be sure to check out my current contest. Go here to see the prizes. You have until May 1st!


  1. I am attempting to put myself on a book ban for at least a week! I just have so many already purchased unread books. Though say that I have Wicked Lovely upstairs to read and if it is as good as everyone says it is, you know I am going to want to buy Ink Exchange.

  2. The Bermudez Triangle is one of my favorite books of 2009 so far!

  3. I just got Crossed Wires too and started reading it immediately. I wouldn't say it's your typical romance (which is fine by me!). I'll be curious to see what you think of it.

  4. Oh I just read my first novel by Maureen Johnson (Devilish) and I LOVED it. The Bermudez Triangle looks really good to. Hope you have fun reading! :D

  5. Never heard of that Bermudez Triangle but it certainly sounds interesting.

  6. Yes, I too, must have a book to read while eating lunch.

  7. Scrap Girl- Book Bans are hard. I always mess up and buy books. Especially when I find good deals!

    Amanda- Oh good. I can't wait to read.

    aviannschild- I can't wait to hear your thoughts as well.

    Jessica Marie- Another book I will have to look for after reading this one.

  8. Kaye- It does. It looks like a fun read.

    blacklin- If I don't have one I take my food to go. :)

  9. I like the Crossed Wires cover. Happy reading!

    Diary of an Eccentric

  10. Anna- It's cute, isn't it? :)

  11. I haven't heard of Bermudez Triangle, but will have to go check it out.

    Here's my Mailbox! ~ Wendi

  12. Thank you for stopping by the mailbox this week. Enjoy your books!


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