
Friday, April 17, 2009

A Couple Thank You's

So many wonderful bloggers have been kind to me lately, giving me such sweet awards. I added a slideshow of them over in the sidebar. You have to click on it to see who gave them to me but please do and go visit them!

Today I found I had been given 2 more!

Sunshine of Garden In My Pocket has given me the "One Lovely Blog" Award. Thanks so much Sunshine! Go and check out the other bloggers she awarded it to.

1) Accept the award, post it on your blog together with the name of the person who has granted the award and his or her blog link. 2) Pass the award to 15 other blogs that you’ve newly discovered. Remember to contact the bloggers to let them know they have been chosen for this award.

Also, Teddyree of The Eclectic Reader has given me the Splash Award. Thanks, Teddyree!

The Splash award acknowledges alluring, amusing, bewitching, impressive & inspiring blogs -Splashy blogs with that little something. I love visiting The Book Resort.

The Rules:1) Put the logo on your blog. 2) Nominate up to 9 blogs which allure, amuse, bewitch, impress or inspire you. 3) Be sure to link to your nominees within your post. 4) Let them know that they have been splashed by commenting on their blog. 5) Remember to link to the person from whom your received your Splash award. 6) Have F~U~N

I wanted to say thank you to Teddyree and Sunshine before the weekend. I am sorry to not choose individual blogs to give this to but I am going to say that everyone that visits and everyone I visit are all worthy of these awards. I give them to all of you. :)

Have a wonderful weekend and if you are participating in the Read-a-thon tomorrow, Good Luck and Happy Reading!

Be sure to check out my current contest. You have until May 1st!


  1. Congrats to you on receiving your awards. I received my first one today and I am tickled pink!
    Happy Friday and Happy Reading!

  2. Nice awards!

    I am actually here to deliver another!<3

  3. Congrats to you and the new winners!

    Good luck with the readathon!

    ~Melissa @ Melissa's Bookshelf


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