
Saturday, December 20, 2008

Sunday Salon (12/21/08)

The Sunday

Christmas is fast approaching. I still have some shopping to do, some knitting to finish and a lot of books to read. I thought I would have time to read more books. I shouldn't have started such a long book to read now. Short books, Mari. Short books. The hubby gave me Into the Woods by Tana French for my birthday on Wednesday. I brought it with me on the plane to CA Thursday and have been reading it off and on when I have time. Pretty good so far. I am enjoying it.

I think tomorrow, while getting some knitting finished I will listen to A Christmas Carol read by Jim Dale. I couldn't resist getting it. I have listened to the first bit already. I keep picturing Donald duck as Scrooge and Mickey Mouse as Bob Cratchit. :) Anybody else love Mickey's Christmas Carol? Another holiday favorite along with Twas The Night Before Christmas. Of course, A Charlie Brown's Christmas and The Grinch, too. Always a must but the other two aren't shown as much anymore. I haven't seen them in years.

Twas The Night before Christmas will be on the Family Channel today (Sunday) bright and early at 7am and at 330pm on Christmas Eve. I may have to catch one of those.

1 comment:

  1. I've just started reading more fiction and I've been surprised by how THICK all the newer books seem to be. I remember being able to speed through a book, but nowadays it seems to take me a week or more to get through one. I could use a few more light books like An Uncommon Reader.


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