
Monday, December 22, 2008

Mailbox Monday-12/22/08

Monday- Death by Latte by Linda Gerber ( Thanks Liv and Linda!)

Wednesday- In The Woods by Tara French. My birthday present from the hubby. Yay! He secretly bought it for me the same day I pointed it out to him the bookstore on Sunday! What a great, sneaky guy. :)

Sunday- Death by Bikini by Linda Gerber. (Kepler's) Had to go and buy so I could read before starting Death by Latte.

No more posts until I get home from the holiday travels. I will have no clue what is coming in the mail until then. However, I will be back if there are books under the tree this week. :)

Happy Holidays!


  1. Death by Latte and Death by Bikini sound interesting! Here's my Mailbox!

    Glad your hubby was able to sneak the book for you!!

    :) Wendi

  2. I got my husband Tales of Beetle the Bard! I had quite a lot of books come into my house this week.

  3. I've got In the Woods and can't wait to read it. I've heard good things about it.


Thanks for taking the time to comment! :)