
Wednesday, April 30, 2008

waiting for the night

Since the hubby has been traveling for work since Sunday I have been trying to keep myself busy. Not with cleaning as I should be, but with fun stuff. Knitting, of course. Reading, as you may have guessed from the previous post, and surprisingly enough, cooking.

I have made myself dinner every night since he has been gone. The best by asparagus and shrimp stir fry I found in the April 2008 Cooking Light. I subscribed hoping it would inspire me to cook. Kind of like why I have subscribed to Real Simple. To inspire me to get organized. Hehe. Will see when that happens. I should show you a picture of the corner in my room where all my knitting paraphernalia is thrown in a heap. Yeah, not organized.

Anyway, look.

Shrimp and Asparagus

Looks yummy, huh? It was nice and garlicky with lots of lemon zest. I left out the parsley that the recipe called for since there was no fresh parsley at Whole Foods. I know, I couldn't believe it, either. You can get the recipe here if you are interested in making some.

So, that was the cooking, how about the knitting?

Luna Luna

I am loving this yarn. So soft! It is Sunshine Yarns Merino Sock Yarn. It is one of her Harry Potter inspired socks. Luna. Very soft buttery color. Oh, I knew I shouldn’t have bought such nice sock yarn. Now I am going to be spoiled and will never go back to the cheaper stuff. In fact, I just bought some more yummy sock yarn from NHKnittingMama. (The Cordial.)


Finished Mansfield Park last night. Am reading The Harsh Cry of the Heron and am waiting for Vampire Academy and Chosen to get here from Amazon. Ready to start my May books. I ended April with 7 more books read bringing me up to 25 total for the year so far. (Lots of links. Sorry.)


Cass is having her #555 Contest. Tell her I sent you. :)

Stephanie is having a contest for a book and book bag on her blog, The Written Word. It is only through tonight at midnight EST. So get yourself over there. You could be the lucky winner of a copy of Comfort Food, the new novel by the author of The Friday Night Knitting Club.

Can you tell I am just waiting for tonight when the hubby gets home? He doesn't get home till late. I should go to the gym.

Monday, April 28, 2008

Bitten-Book Review

(archived from mariknits)

I continue to read, read and read to reach 100 books by the end of the year. I am falling behind but I do have an entire summer to make up for it. I didn't read as many books this month as I did in March. I did have a week off of work and lots of reading by the pool, though. So, this month I started a new series of books filled with supernatural beings, which I love. Werewolves, witches and ghosts. Lots of fun reading. It is the Women of the Underworld Series by Kelley Armstrong. I randomly picked up the first in the series, Bitten, on a gift buying trip to Borders at the beginning of the month.

I am now hooked.

The main character is Elena, the only female werewolf. Only males are werewolves, inheriting from their fathers. People can be bitten but the change is horrific and few survive it. No woman before her has. This is the story of her coming to terms with what she is and accepting it, accepting her new family (or Pack). She lives in Toronto, hiding who she really is, after leaving the Pack a year ago. When she is called by her pack because of a problem that arises that requires her help she must make a decision whether or not to leave the new life she has made for herself. It is an entertaining book and surprisingly a very good love story.

I have now read three of the books in the series. I believe it is up to 8 or 9 books now. Not all focus on the same character. The last one I read was about a witch that was introduced in the second book, which was mainly centered around Elena once again.


Anyway, off to finish Mansfield Park, now. I really love this book!

100 book challenge-April

I continue to read, read and read to reach 100 books by the end of the year. I am falling behind but I do have an entire summer to make up for it. I didn't read as many books this month as I did in March. I did have a week off of work and lots of reading by the pool, though. So, this month I started a new series of books filled with supernatural beings, which I love. Werewolves, witches and ghosts. Lots of fun reading. It is the Women of the Underworld Series by Kelley Armstrong. I randomly picked up the first in the series, Bitten, on a gift buying trip to Borders at the beginning of the month.

I am now hooked.

The main character is Elena, the only female werewolf. Only males are werewolves, inheriting from their fathers. People can be bitten but the change is horrific and few survive it. No woman before her has. This is the story of her coming to terms with what she is and accepting it, accepting her new family (or Pack). She lives in Toronto, hiding who she really is, after leaving the Pack a year ago. When she is called by her pack because of a problem that arises that requires her help she must make a decision whether or not to leave the new life she has made for herself. It is an entertaining book and surprisingly a very good love story.

I have now read three of the books in the series. I believe it is up to 8 or 9 books now. Not all focus on the same character. The last one I read was about a witch that was introduced in the second book, which was mainly centered around Elena once again.

Anyway, off to finish Mansfield Park, now. I really love this book!

Saturday, April 26, 2008


It is 1:45am and I am still awake. I should be in bed but am wide awake. I took a nap this afternoon when I started to feel a migraine coming on. I ended up sleeping five hours! I woke up at about 7:30pm! Yup, slept away the day. The hubby and I went and got dinner, went for a walk and then played darts and had a couple of beers at a local pub. Fun, fun.

I was supposed to get cleaning done today. I did one load of laundry and it is still sitting in the dryer. My clothes are going to be so wrinkled.

Worked a few rows on a new pair of socks. Just plain stockinette socks with a ribbed cuff. Simple.

Going to finish watching me some Mike Rowe. :)

Wednesday, April 23, 2008

the happiest place on earth

This is where I have been since Thursday. Well, I have been back since Sunday but just haven't had much computer time this week. Very busy week. Haven't gotten much knitting done. The second sleeve for my Tangled Yoke sweater has gotten a little longer. That is about it.

Tuesday, April 15, 2008

look who took a nap at my house today

This little guy decided to take his nap hanging from our window screen. We have a darker screen that comes down during the day that he must have liked. Shaded him from the sun.

He just flew off a little while ago while my back was turned. Darn, I missed watching him fly off. I did see him when he woke up, though. He stretched out his wings, gave his fur a cleaning and woke himself up with many yawns. Very cute. Who knew a bat could be so cute. It probably helped that he was outside the window and about the size of my hand.

When I asked my kids today what they want to plant in our garden their answer was: sunflowers, roses and butterflies. :)
I think we will be planting some butterfly friendly flowers.

Monday, April 14, 2008

Gardening Day

Gardening Day
Originally uploaded by my_weezy
Saturday we had a Gardening day at our school. There were close to 100 people, staff and parents, there to help build these beds and clean up the courtyard. It was wonderful to see how much support we have in beautifying our campus and providing great learning oppurtunities for our students.

It was a beautiful day. The sun was shining. There was a crisp breeze keeping us all from overheating. Music was playing, everyone was working together, having a great time. I wish I could show you pictures of everyone that was there. I got some great pictures.

It is days like this that I am so happy and proud to work with such a great community. Our school services pre-k students from four Title I schools. Our parents and their kids are with us for only one year and yet the parent-community involvement is so wonderful and comparable to what you might expect in more affluent areas. We are very lucky.

I can't wait to see these beds filled with the flowers, plants and vegetables the kids will plant.

Bug friendFlowers

Sunday, April 13, 2008

i've been tagged

Rachel has tagged me for the seven weird random things about you meme. Thought I would give it a go. You know, it is really hard to think up strange things about yourself that you are willing to share. Anyway, here it goes...

1. I don't swear. Really. Well...never in front of people. Usually only when driving alone. It is very therapeutic to yell cuss words at terrible drivers. Plus, they can't hear me.

2. My husband was my first and only boyfriend. I met him when I was 22, started "dating" at 23, married at 24. We have been married for 7 years.

3. I am terrible about cleaning my cat's litter box. I am very happy she has not rebelled against me.

4. I have a toy gargoyle in my car. I have had him since college. He showed up out of nowhere in my first car and is now at home in the sunglass case in my new Prius. I almost hit a car the other day and I swear it was because I had forgot to put him in. His name in Gargantua. My roommates and I, back then, were a little strange. :)

5. I have never caused an accident or gotten a ticket. *knocks on wood*. I was in an accident in that first car mentioned above, but that was not my fault. No one was injured. (Thanks, Gargantua.)

6. I am lazy. I hate housework. I want a housekeeper. How much do you think one would cost me? I bet I would have to cut down on my yarn purchases. Hmm, yarn or clean house? Choices, choices.

7. I watch a lot of tv and I get a bit obsessive with some shows. Right now it is Doctor Who. I have my dvr set to record every episode on BBCA, SciFi and PBS.

Well, that is all. I am sure there is more but I will end it there. I know this has been going around a lot. I have seen it on a few blogs. So, if you haven't yet and want to tell us about seven weird things about you consider yourself tagged.

Tuesday, April 8, 2008

oh what a tangled web we weave

I have yet to reach the tangled part but I am still enjoying knitting my Tangled Yoke. After working on a lace stole for so long I have no problem with endless stockinette for right now. I have the body knit up and am working on the first sleeve. Almost to the elbow. I am thinking I may rip out the body to the waist and add an extra inch or two to add length. I am thinking it is going to be a little too short. I would hate to have it ride up over my belly. The belly needs to be hidden.

garter rib cuffsilky wool sleeve

Monday, April 7, 2008

finally finished

sotsii upclose
Originally uploaded by my_weezy
Pattern: Sotsii "Savannah" by DK the Nautical Knitter
Yarn: Knit Picks Shadow, sunset
Needles: US 3

I am done! Yay!

I finished knitting on this last night while watching The Fellowship of the Ring. I still have to block it but I can't do that until I get myself some blocking wires.

I like it, I liked knitting it, I just don't know if I would ever use it. It's not really my style. I was thinking I could use it as a scarf but it has this wider area in the middle that would make that odd.

sotsii from afar

It was suggested on the boards of the Yahoo group to make it into a shrug which I am considering. I will have to see how it looks if anyone makes one.

Yay, I am done!!

Thursday, April 3, 2008

it's not easy being green

classic elite alpaca sox
Originally uploaded by my_weezy
I love Kermie.

I love green.

Go figure.

This lovely yarn was in the mail today. I bought it from a fellow Raveler.
It will be knit into this lovely scarf. So pretty.

I love getting yarn in the mail. Don't you?

Wednesday, April 2, 2008

I'm so country

Is it bad that I just got home, a little tipsy, from hanging out with friends at a country western bar? It is a school night after all.

I am not even a fan of Country music!

It couldn't be passed up. They had drinks for $.69! I had a couple Bud Lights. A bit different from my usual fare (Guinness).

I know I live in Texas, but that seriously was the most people in cowboy boots and hats I have seen in one location since I moved here.

There was no line dancing, unfortunately. I might have gotten out of my seat if there was. I grew up in Sanger, CA. I know a little line dancing.

Night ya'll! :)
