
Monday, April 7, 2008

finally finished

sotsii upclose
Originally uploaded by my_weezy
Pattern: Sotsii "Savannah" by DK the Nautical Knitter
Yarn: Knit Picks Shadow, sunset
Needles: US 3

I am done! Yay!

I finished knitting on this last night while watching The Fellowship of the Ring. I still have to block it but I can't do that until I get myself some blocking wires.

I like it, I liked knitting it, I just don't know if I would ever use it. It's not really my style. I was thinking I could use it as a scarf but it has this wider area in the middle that would make that odd.

sotsii from afar

It was suggested on the boards of the Yahoo group to make it into a shrug which I am considering. I will have to see how it looks if anyone makes one.

Yay, I am done!!


  1. Congrats on finally finishing! It looks great!

  2. Your stole looks wonderful! Congratulations on finishing it.

  3. WOW! I'm impressed. It looks great! Do you have a grandmother who would wear it?

  4. Your choice of color is lovely! You did a very nice job.


Thanks for taking the time to comment! :)