
Thursday, May 12, 2016

Armchair BEA Day 2: Books and Blog Aesthetics

Armchair BEA

Books: Do you judge a book by its cover? Tell the truth. :) I know I do.  

I am a sucker for a beautifully designed cover. I have to say that my favorites are children's books that use an illustrator, because they have read the book and the covers reflect that. Think Harry Potter. The US Scholastic versions. Those covers are the absolute best in my opinion.

Blog: Well, I have to admit to being lazy when it comes to "branding" my blog.

I started this site for me really not expecting others to read it. I just wanted a place to keep track of the books I read and share my thoughts on them. I like to think that my reviews are still short, simple and conversational accounts of what I liked and disliked. I never wanted them to be too wordy or long.

The blog itself has changed looks a little bit over the years. I have kept the same banner photo, though and my same generic title of MariReads, but I think changing them at this point, 9 years later, would be silly and unnecessary.

Content has changed a little over the years. I used to have a separate knitting blog, but decided to merge them into one since I stopped blogging as much about what I was knitting. I also became a mom and started sharing more about that part of my life. And lately I have been trying to live a more healthy lifestyle so some of those changes have made it on to here, as well.

So, somethings changes, somethings don't. But I am still here sharing for those who would like to follow along with me. 

Happy Reading!

1 comment:

  1. I was very into the idea that I needed to "brand" by blog when I first started (because all of the "important" blogs said that you had to and it came up again and again during Bloggiesta). Then I decided that was just too much work and I had no desire to monetize my blog or work hard to build a readership. No pressure blogging is much more fun!


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