
Thursday, March 31, 2016

Somewhere Out There by Amy Hatvany

Somewhere Out There by Amy Hatvany
Paperback and eBook, 368 pages
Published March 2016 by Washington Square Press

Source: Provided by the publisher for review, NetGalley

This is a story of a young mom who finds it very hard to take care of her two young daughters. They are on their own, living out of a car trying to survive. Jennifer must steal to provide food for her girls but she gets caught. She then must make a very difficult decision and learn to live with it. 

Thirty years later, her daughters, Natalie and Brooke, discover each other. The story then chronicles their new relationship and their search for answers and their mother. 

The book starts off very sad. It was hard for me to read through the tears. I was a little worried that it would be too difficult to read but there is a bit of hope and happiness throughout the rest of the book.

Happy Reading!

Tuesday, March 29, 2016

Current Playlist: WorkOut Mix

 I realized while running the other day that I lose track on my audiobook. I was paying more attention to where I was going and making sure I didn't trip over anything, than to the story. So, I put together an hourlong workout mix for my running days.

There are some expletives in some of these, so don't blare with the kids around. :)

Forgot to link this up to #readersworkout! Be sure to check out the weekly even over at Joy's Book Blog.

Happy Running!

Friday, March 25, 2016

Current Read: Somewhere Out There by Amy Hatvany

Somewhere Out There by Amy Hatvany

Happy Reading!

Thursday, March 24, 2016


I think most people would prefer to listen to some music that motivates them while exercising but I like having a good engrossing book on audio that I can get lost in while out for a hike or a walk.  One hour of uninterrupted listening and getting my steps in for the day! Perfect, right?

The next few months I will be training for a half marathon and since I will be starting off slow with some walk/runs first, my Audible account is going to have to be kept full of really good books. I love how listening to a book helps me get through my walks/hikes/runs with less focus on distance, speed and discomfort. I just go.

Thanks, Joy for this great weekly event. What a great way to share our exercise goals and successes  with other readers!

Happy Running!

Tuesday, March 22, 2016

A Day in the Life

Trish of Love Laughter and Insanity, has once again asked us to join her in chronicling a day in our life.  So, here it is.. 

Wednesday, March 16th. 

7:00 Alarm. Time to get up. I really do not like Wednesday's. The little girl has to be at school at 8:25 instead of 9:25 and it's a short day. I really shouldn't complain. If I went to bed at an earlier time, getting up at 7am wouldn't be that bad.

Hit snooze.

7:30am I am up. Little girl does not want to get up.  "I'm tired. " Me, too, little one. Me, too. 

7:45 The little girl is up and getting herself dressed. Give cat her meds, take mine. Toast some mini waffles. Pack the little girl's snack.

8:00 Eat breakfast. Added some strawberries and maple syrup to those waffles. Yummy.

8:05 2 minute teeth brushing with the Disney-Oral-b timer. She loves this thing. Anything to brush her teeth longer than a few seconds. She has a dentist appointment today. Trying to get those teeth somewhat clean for today. 

8:15 Shoes on. Out the door. A little whining about not wanting to go to school and the dentist. 

8:25 arrive at school. Tears? Must be dentist anticipation. 

8:30 Slow drive up Alameda. Lots of traffic by the high school. Get keys made for contractor. Breakfast sandwich and coffee at Starbucks.  

9:15  Pick up around the house, put away laundry, wash dishes. Listen to The Angel's Game by Carlos Ruiz Zafon on Audible.

10:15 Online time. Blog reading, email checking. Watch President Obama's announcement of Supreme Court Justice nomination. 

11:00 Contractor and subcontractors over discussing project.  Remodel may finally be getting started!While they roam around the house,  I read some of my book for this month's book group. The Power of One by Bryce Courtenay.

12:25 Pick up E from school. Drive over to the grocery store and pick up to go lunches. Salad for me, mac n cheese for her. Eat at swim school.

1:30 Swim class. Nice to sit for a bit. Talk with other mom about going back to teaching after being home with the kids. Both of us are thinking of subbing.

2:00 Home for a little snack and a little rest before going to the dentist. E asked if I might change my mind about having a baby. I said no. Only want E. No more. :) She played happily in her room for about 30m. 

3:10 Make sure E is brushed and flossed before going. 

3:30 Dentist appointment. Very quick cleaning and X-rays of her two new back molars. No cavities! She is excited- not about the cavities. Dr. Purvey said that one of her teeth is a little loose.  She is already wondering what the Tooth Fairy will be bringing her. :)

Untitled4:00 Remember that my mom gave me $20 for E and she is coming next week. She will ask what she got with it. Actually this is the second $20. Not sure we used the other either. Oops.

Take E to Diddam's and let her pick something out. Another stuffed cat.

5:00  Screen time for E. Plays with Legos' and watches Odd Squad on the iPad. I get some more reading in.

Untitled6:00 Make dinner. E helps grade cheese and cut bacon into pieces for me. Making pasta carbonara. Her request. 

6:30 Dinner and Warriors Pregame. The hubby is out of town and dinner still coincides with a little basketball. :) We love watching our Warriors. Set the DVR so I can watch the game after putting E to bed.

7:30 Pajamas, brush hair, brush teeth, potty, FaceTime with daddy, book and go over lines for her skit next week. (She is in an acting class with the local children's theatre.)Tonight's book was K is for Kitten by Niki Clark Leopold. 

8:00 lights out. Lay in bed with the little girl while she bounces around not sleeping and asking tons of questions.

Untitled8:30 I am free! Time for a glass of wine and The Warriors. Left her awake. We have worked out a deal that I stay with her for 30m and then leave even if she is awake. 

Finish a hat I have been working on for a friend.

Warriors win!

11:00 To bed, read, play a game on the iPad. Lumino City. Anyone else played this? I got stuck and gave up. 

11:45 Lights out

12:00 Hubby gets home.

Happy Reading!

Wednesday, March 16, 2016

Current Read: The Power of One by Bryce Courtenay

The Power of One by Bryce Courtenay

"No stranger to the injustice of racial hatred, five-year-old Peekay learns the hard way the first secret of survival and self-preservation - the power of one. An encounter with amateur boxer Hoppie Groenewald inspires in Peekay a fiery ambition - to be welterweight champion of the world."

Book Group choice for March.

Happy Reading!

Monday, March 14, 2016

Current Playlist: Lilith Fair Mix

Time for some women who rocked the 90's. I have been transported to my college days with this mix...

Happy Listening!

Friday, March 11, 2016

Homage to Catalonia by George Orwell

Homage to Catalonia

Read for Book Group. Another book I wouldn't have chosen on my own

For being a book about the Spanish Civil War and the intricacies of the political aspect of it, it could have been a very difficult read to get through. It wasn't easy, but the descriptive storytelling of Orwell's own personal experience made it interesting and palpable. I was lucky enough to have a copy that had the political explanation chapters in the appendix. I may have skipped those. 

A depressing and disillusioned, un-romanticized look at war through the eyes of a great writer. The descriptions were so real. I still feel itchy after reading about the lice in their trousers. Ick.

Happy Reading!

Thursday, March 10, 2016

Current Playlist: 80's Movie Music

In a bit of an 80's kick right now. Going with some 80's movie music. Hard to sit still and not sing out loud!
Happy Listening!

The Storm Sister by Lucinda Riley

The Storm Sister by Lucinda Riley
Hardcover, 512 pages
Publishes March 22, 2016, Atria Books

Source: publisher for review, Netgalley

The Storm Sister is the second book in the series following each of six sisters named after the Pleides by their adoptive father, Pa Salt. He has suddenly and mysteriously died  and left the sisters clues to their biological pasts. The Storm Sister is about Ally and her search into where she came from after a great loss in her personal life.

She seems to have a connection with Edvard Grieg and a couple musicians who were involved with the first performance of Peer Gynt. I love classical music and am very familiar with Grieg's work, so I really enjoyed this historical fiction section of the book. Even better, was listening to the Peer Gynt Suites while reading.  
Both stories, Ally's and Anna's were well written and interesting. I am so intrigued by Pa Salt. Such a mysterious man. I wonder what motivated him to adopt these girls, to leave them clues as to who they are and to not leave more info about who he is. Can't wait to read more.

Happy Reading!

Friday, March 4, 2016

Current Read: The Angel's Game by Carlos Ruiz Zafón

I have just recently started to really enjoy listening to audiobooks. I won a few through BookRiot awhile back and since then got quite addicted to listening to them on my drives to and from the city, during walks and while knitting. 

I signed up for an account and have been consistently listening to one book a month.  I have enjoyed them all immensely. Well, except perhaps for The Magicians. It kind of drove me crazy. Annoying characters in that one. Makes me kind of mad that I bought the next two books in the series. I was enjoying it in the beginning.

Anyway,  I digress. 

My current read is book 2 in the Cemetery of Forgotten Books series by Carlos Ruiz Zafón, The Angel's Game. What I am enjoying best right now, is the fact that it is read by Matthew Crawley, I mean Dan Stevens.   :)

Well, time to walk over to my daughter's school for pick up. Going to listen to a little more of Matt...Dan Stevens. Oh, and the story is good, too.


Happy Reading!

Thursday, March 3, 2016

A little knitting update

UntitledI have broken my knitting block by taking a class on Crafty to learn Brioche knitting. It was exactly what I needed- learn something new to get me excited for a new project. The class was taught by Nancy Merchant and was very easy to follow. I picked it up pretty quickly and really enjoyed it. The class was on sale, maybe it still is, so go check it out if you haven't learned Brioche yet.

I will also be test knitting something Brioche for Donna Druchunas. (How cool is that?) She was looking for knitters wanting to learn brioche on Instagram. I mentioned that I had just begun learning and would be happy to try it out. I am waiting on some videos now. Excited to see how her teaching is different and what techniques I can learn from her. 

Another activity to get the knitting juices flowing- Stitches West! I went to the Marketplace on the last day of the conference with a friend and walked out with a knitting kit, yarn and some stitch markers. How could I not be excited to get some knitting done now. The one thing I didn't get that I wish I had was a drop spindle and some roving.
Yup, another thing to learn and get obsessed with. 

I have also had a friend request a hat for her upcoming trip to New Zealand. Another Sock Head Hat coming up! Yay.

Happy Knitting!

Knitlandia by Clara Parkes

Knitlandia: A Knitter Sees the World
Hardcover, 160 pages
Published February 2016, STC Craft/Melinie Falick Book

Source: publisher for review, NetGalley

I am a knitter and familiar with the names of the designers and authors mentioned in this book. Some of the places Clara Parkes travels to are places I have been and seen or heard of. It's so much fun to read this travel log of a knitter, designer going to conventions and retreats I remember hearing about and wishing I could go to. 

This book is definitely written for knitters. If you are a knitter you will love it. 
If you are not a knitter, you probably won't enjoy it as much. 

I was hoping to see Clara Parkes at Stitches West this weekend but was only able to make it to the marketplace on Sunday afternoon.

Happy Reading and Knitting!