
Thursday, January 29, 2015

My aching back

It has been kind of sad the past couple weeks. 

I have been unable to sit long enough to get any drawing, knitting or blogging done. The degenerative discs in my back have been causing some back pain, sciatica issues that make it really hard to sit to do anything. Chiropractor appointment is set for Monday. A great therapeutic massage would be good, too.

I have really been missing doing all the things I love to do. Thankfully, it is not bad enough to limit my walking which I have been doing. It does, however, keep me from starting to train for the half marathon in July. Need to let it get better first.

So, besides some scheduled posts, it may be a little quiet here for awhile. 

Going to go use my foam roller now and listen to some Lumineers. Then the little girl and I plan to walk downtown for some play dough. 

Hope you are all having a less achy Thursday.

Currently Reading:

The Winter Boy by Sally Wiener Grotta

Happy Reading!

 FTC Disclosure: Clicking on book title and/or image links will lead you to my Amazon Affiliate page.

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