
Thursday, August 28, 2014

Review: Your Perfect Life by Liz Fenton and Lisa Steinke

Your Perfect Life by Liz Fenton and Lisa Steinke
304 pages, Paperback
Published June 2014, Washington Square Press
Source: Received from publisher in exchange for review, NetGalley
My Review

Have you ever envied your friend's life over yours? Maybe she has the career you always wanted, no kids, dating young hot guys and sleeping in until noon. Or maybe she has the perfect family-loving husband, kids, home with a white picket fence. 

Would you switch lives if you could? What if there was a magic purple drink that would give you your friend's "perfect life"?

Casey and Rachel don't choose to, but a mysterious bartender at their 20th high school reunion sets in motion an interesting "Freaky Friday" like switch. Casey gets a chance to see what Rachel's life is like as a stay at home mom of two teens and a baby and a husband who has checked out. Rachel gets to try out being a semi-celebrity, co-hosting an entertainment program. 

Both are surprised to find that they may have already had the "perfect life", it just needed a little tweaking.

Your Perfect Life was such a fun read. Perfect summer vacation book to take with you to the beach, lake, bathtub. Where ever you feel like relaxing and losing yourself in the fun of it. These characters are my age and I was able to relate to some of each of their problems. I really enjoyed this book-the style of writing, the characters and the fantasy of it all. Finished it in about a day, I believe. Ready for their next book.

For more information about the book and the authors, visit their WEBSITE.

Happy Reading!

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