
Friday, February 21, 2014

Easy Turkey Spaghetti Sauce

I made a spaghetti sauce the other day that turned out pretty good. Thought I would share in case you might like a really easy, tasty sauce. I used lean ground turkey, which makes it somewhat healthier, as well. If you try it, let me know. I would love to hear about any modifications you make, if you liked it or not. I am not a cook, but sometimes I like to try. :)

Spaghetti sauce

½ lg yellow onion diced
1yellow pepper diced
1 clove of garlic, minced
Salt, pepper, italian seasoning
Olive oil

Sauté on high heat.

Add 1lb ground lean turkey
Cook until browned

Add 28oz can of diced tomatoes
2 16oz cans of tomato sauce
Bring to a boil.
Cover and simmer on medium heat

Cook pasta according to package.
Toss with sauce.



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  1. Hi Mari,

    I have tried making spaghetti bolognese with turkey mince and even quorn in the past, but a certain person always spots the difference immediately and puts in a complaint to the chef, so now it's minced beef or nothing!

    We will often have bolognese with pasta rather than spaghetti and I would generally not use quite so much tomato sauce, throwing in quite a selection of other ingredients such as mushrooms, peas, diced green beans and possibly sweetcorn!

    As you can probably tell, I am not much of a gourmet cook, however meals are usually tasty and I do get quite a few comments of praise.

    Needless to say, we don't entertain an awful lot and tend to eat out in those circumstances ... Perhaps this is what comes of not having had any children to cater for!

    Have a great weekend,


    1. I wonder if my husband would notice? :) I have some still in the freezer. I should warm it up for dinner this week.

  2. This looks like a healthy variation of traditional bolognese sauce... I should give it a try!

  3. I like using ground turkey occasionally for pasta sauces. :)

  4. I have never made spaghetti sauce with ground turkey, that's a great idea.

  5. I might try this with chicken - we don't get a lot of turkey here. Cheers from Carole's Chatter

  6. Ooooh I like the addition of yellow pepper! Every couple of weeks I make a huge batch of meaty spaghetti sauce to freeze. I might have to try it with turkey next time and see who notices.

  7. I haven't used ground turkey in a long time. A nice way to make sauce a little healthier.

  8. I have never *gasp* made spaghetti sauce from scratch. I should probably change that, eh?

    Yours looks lovely!

  9. My husband absolutely refuses to try ground turkey in anything! I think it's bad memories from the mystery meats of our childhood, and try to tell him that good-quality ground turkey would be nothing like the gristly, inexpensive stuff he's remembering, but it's no good! We do make our own spaghetti sauce, though, and always end up with way too much! Yours looks delish!


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