
Monday, January 6, 2014

Sherlock Challenge Wrap-Up and Giveaway Winner

Thank you so much to everyone that participated in my very first reading challenge. It was small and perhaps not as organized as most, but I really enjoyed reading everyone'e reviews and getting to read a couple of great Sherlock reads before the show returns to PBS on January 19th.

I hope those of you who joined in the Sherlock reading enjoyed themselves. I would love some feedback on how to improve on hosting a challenge. I have an idea for another Book to TV Reading Challenge or RAL for later in the year.

Okay, time to announce the winner of the Sherlock DVD's. There were 11 books read/reviewed by 5 participants. Using the Random Number Generator…

Congratulations, WordLily!!!

Don't forget to email me your mailing address and your preference for either Season 1 or 2. marireadsATyahooDOTcom

Happy Reading!

 FTC Disclosure: Clicking on book title and/or image links will lead you to my Amazon Affiliate page.


  1. I love the Sherlock series! Unfortunately, it hasn't returned back to the US yet, so I am desperately trying to avoid spoilers!

  2. Congrats to WordLily!!

    I did finish The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes, but still have yet to review it. I fell so in love with the stories, that I ordered Doyle's complete collection and will plan to review them all at once! Thanks for helping me to finally take the dive into reading them!!


Thanks for taking the time to comment! :)