
Thursday, January 23, 2014

Review: The Fault in Our Stars by John Green

The Fault in Our Stars by John Green
318 pages, Hardcover
Published January 2012, Dutton Books

Source: purchased

I had only read one other book by John Green before reading The Fault in Our Stars. An Abundance of Katherines was one of my favorites when I read it six years ago. I liked the pace of the story, the smart, verbose teens and the wittiness throughout. None of these things were missing from The Fault in Our Stars. The John Green formula for a great YA book was all here despite the serious subject matter. 

Hazel has terminal cancer but an experimental drug seems to be keeping it from metastasizing quickly. At a support group she meets Agustus, a cancer survivor who has lost his leg to the disease but is still strong, handsome and witty. They hit it off right away. Their relationship seems on fast forward but, considering their situations, it makes sense. They live life to the fullest and don't waste any time that they may not have.

I enjoyed the Dawson Creek-like dialogue- smart and witty. Hazel and Agustus seemed very real in the way they spoke, dealt with their illnesses and fell in love so quickly. I am very happy I finally read this. It  took awhile for me to feel ready to read it, but I am glad I did. 

Happy Reading!

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  1. I think I'd love to have my book club read this one but having just gotten them through Eleanor and Park I may have to wait a bit before I spring more YA on them! Although they did all love E&P. So maybe sooner.

    1. I haven't read E and P yet. I keep hearing great things.
      I am always suggesting ya books for my book group, too. :)


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