
Sunday, January 19, 2014

Mailbox Monday: 1/20/14

Mailbox Monday is the gathering place for readers to share the books that came in their mailbox during the last week. Warning: Mailbox Monday can lead to envy, toppling TBR piles and humongous wish lists.

Ooh, it has been awhile since I have shared the books that have come into my hands. I was going to list everything I have received since that last post, but figured that would be just way too long. So, here are the newest additions to my pile of TBR books. 


The Ice Princess by Camilla Lackburg

I read a book later in the series, The Stonecutter, for a review this past year and really enjoyed it so I thought I would start from the beginning. Found this copy in a used book store in Seattle.

For Review:

The Collector of Dying Breaths by M.J. Rose
(Look for review on April 3, 2014)

The Memory Garden by Mary Rickert
(Look for review on May 8, 2014)

Giveaway Win:

The Diviners by Libba Bray
(Thanks to Darlene of Peeking Between the Pages!)

Happy Reading!

 FTC Disclosure: Clicking on book title and/or image links will lead you to my Amazon Affiliate page.


  1. The collector of dying breaths looks interesting, I'll be looking out for your review to see what you think!

    1. It does! I am looking forward to reading it.

  2. I love Camilla Lackberg's books - hope you enjoy this one!

  3. As a gardener myself, I am intrigued by the title of the Memory Garden. Hope you enjoy it. I also have M.J. Rose's book for a book tour.
    Book Dilettante

    1. Thanks! Look forward to seeing your review.

  4. Nice variety of books! The Memory Garden looks particularly good.

  5. I love it when I find a book I like in a used book store, I'd be digging into the Collector first. Enjoy your books they look good.

  6. The Collector Of Dying Breaths caught my eye.

  7. I've been meaning to check out the Diviners since a sequel is coming out. Hope you love it and all your new books!

  8. I cannot wait to read the latest MJ Rose


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