
Tuesday, December 3, 2013

The Gift of Reading

 Post written by me, sponsored by ebooks by Sainsbury's.

Along with the usual knitted hats and photo books of the little girl, I will be giving books for Christmas.   It's tradition. I always give books.

The gift of reading is an important one and traditionally I have given books to everyone in my family. Unfortunately, not all of them love to read as much as I do and the books go unread. Sad, I know. So this year, only those who love to read, and will read what I give them, will be getting books.

My mom will read anything I recommend. She loves YA, thrillers, classics and biographies. Also, children's books. She actually introduced me to the Harry Potter series. So I am thinking, why not give her the gift of JK Rowling as well? She will be getting a copy of The Casual Vacancy.

I love giving my niece YA books that I have discovered through book blogging.  There are so many out there, I want to make sure she is reading some really great ones. She has just finished reading The Hunger Games series and loved it, so I am thinking she will enjoy Veronica Roth's Divergent trilogy as well.

My sister likes enjoys fun books. Think, YA supernatural, urban fantasies and thrillers but has recently been asking for some good history books. So, why not give her something that  blends the two? Going to get her 11/22/63 by Stephen King.

What books will you be giving this Christmas?

All books mentioned are available in ebook format at 


  1. Oh, it is sad that some of your book gifts aren't read! But it's wonderful that you and your mom share a love of books and trade book suggestions. I'm also trying to give lots of books this year, such as My Life In France by Julia Child and The Wolf of Wall Street by Jordan Belfort.

  2. Ugggh, I lost my comment. Lol. I did say its great to have found your blog again Mari! I think books make the best gifts but not to many in my circle are the avid readers I am. I'm busy with knitting projects for them. I did however pick up Fannie Flagg's newest for my mom.

  3. You've got great bookish taste! I've got all three of those on my 'must reads list'. I also like to give books as gifts and I'll be picking some out at the bookstore before Christmas gets here.


Thanks for taking the time to comment! :)