
Monday, November 4, 2013

Review: The Wind-Up Bird Chronicle by Haruki Murakami

The Wind-Up Bird Chronicle by Haruki Murakami

607 pages, paperback
Published September 1998, Vintage

Source: borrowed from a friend

It is not very often that a book completely draws me in to its world so thoroughly. This was one I read slowly and made last for awhile and it wasn't because of how long it was, but because I wanted to really read everything and make sure I didn't miss a thing. Every word, every look from a character, and each of their stories seemed to have hidden meanings. 

The story at first seems pretty straightforward and simple…man loses cat, man searches for cat, loses wife, then finds cat. It is so not that simple, of course. The man, Toru Okada, comes across a multitude of interesting characters during his search, each with a story to tell. 

Dreamlike and otherworldly, this book has made its way onto my favorites list. I loved its Kubrick-esque feel. It was so different than anything I have read before. I can't wait to find out how the others in my book group felt about it. I am thinking no one enjoyed it as much as I did.

Have you read The Wind-Up Bird Chronicle? What did you think about it?

Happy Reading!

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1 comment:

  1. You're so right - definitely Kubrickesque. Can you imagine trying to figure out what was going on in a movie adaptation? Love the way this one made me think.


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