
Monday, June 24, 2013

Mailbox Monday: 6/24/13

Mailbox Monday is hosted by Dolce Belleza this month.

In case you don't know, I am currently hosting a Reading Challenge to read Arthur Conan Doyle's Sherlock Holmes books. So many great stories amongst this collection. And with all the new interest due to the movie version of Sherlock Holmes and the success of Elementary and Sherlock on TV, I was not surprised to start seeing new books influenced by Doyle and Sherlock. 

In the mail today, I received an ARC of Winter at Death's Hotel by Kenneth Cameron. 

In January 1896, Arthur Conan Doyle, the renowned creator of Sherlock Holmes, arrives with his wife Louisa at the Britannic Hotel in New York for his first American tour. Louisa is instantly mesmerised by this vibrant, dangerous city. When a woman's mutilated corpse is found in a Bowery alley, she becomes convinced from the artist's sketch that she'd seen the victim at the hotel. As more bodies start appearing, Louisa starts piecing together clues to reveal a story of madness, murder and depravity which leads inexorably back to the hotel itself and a madman who is watching her every move.

I am looking forward to reading this one alongside my readings of Doyle's Sherlock.  Another book to get me through the wait for Sherlock season 3 to start! If you have not signed up for my Reading Challenge, no problem. It runs through the end of the year, so come join the fun. There will be some great giveaways for those who participate, including a copy of this book. Here's the link:

Happy Reading!

 FTC Disclosure: Clicking on book title and/or image links will lead you to my Amazon Affiliate page.


  1. I just recently read my first book by Doyle, The Hound of the Baskervilles, and loved it. I'll have to check your Sherlock Reading Challenge out!
    Here's My Mailbox

  2. Hi Mari,

    It isn't that I don't love the Shelock Holmes books, in fact I have read a few of them over the years, however challenges and me, just don't mix!

    I seem to have so little free time to read in just lately, that I would get too stressed that I wasn't reading enough books to make the challenge worthwhile, especially as I like to mix up the genres a bit, from book to book, rather than concentrating on a single genre for too long!

    I hope that you have had a good response to your challenge though and that you are enjoying the books you have selected to read for it.

    Thanks for sharing


  3. Enjoy your books. I have requested Winter at Death's Hotel as well.

    Have a great week.

    Silver's Reviews
    My Mailbox Monday

  4. I do love a good mystery, and Sherlock Homes certainly qualifies. I hope that this book meets the level of quality we find in Doyle's. that's my only problem with "flankers", so often they can't touch the original.

    1. Same here. I will be sure to let you all know how it is once I get it read.

  5. I love the button for your challenge!

    1. Thanks! :) It was a photo I took on a trip to London years ago.


Thanks for taking the time to comment! :)