
Friday, June 21, 2013

FO Friday: Baby Knitting All Done! (for now)

So much baby knitting this spring and summer. Babies popping out everywhere!
We were blessed with a nephew just last month, way out in Maine. We can't wait to see the new little guy when we visit next month. I had to send a package before then with some knitted goodies before then. 
 This little kitty is adorable! I will need to find the pattern and share with you at a later time, because I really can't remember what it is. I found it on a knitting blog and didn't save it. Ack! Anyone have an idea where it is from?
I also knit up this warm and cozy blanket. I do remember what pattern I used for this one. It is the second one I have made. The previous one was last year for a cute little Texas baby. 

Pattern: Baby Chalice Blanket by Karen S. Lauger
Yarn: Berroco Comfort, worsted weight, navy
Needles: US 10

The next two were made for a San Francisco baby who is due in a couple weeks! A friend for the past 19 years is having her first baby and we are all so excited to have another baby amongst our group of local friends. For this little guy, he gets a chevron blankie and a chick that matches his Land of Nod bedding a bit. A little homemade to go with the modern decor. :)

Pattern: Chevron Baby Blanket by Purl Soho
Yarn: ? Can't remember!
Needles: US 15

Will have to look up the pattern for the chick, as well. 

Happy Knitting!


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  1. I love your baby chalice blanket! I will have to put that pattern in my Ravelry Queue. Very pretty!

  2. Everything looks wonderful! I love the baby chalice blanket:)

  3. Wow- you really do have babies popping out everywhere :) Love that navy blue for a baby blanket. And what an adorable little chick!

    1. Thanks! Yeah, the chick was fun to make. My little girl didn't want to give it up. ;)

  4. Ooh, I love the chalice blanket! Baby knitting is fun, isn't it? But now that you're done with baby knits for awhile, what will you work on next? (Or if you're me, what are you already working, since finishing these?)

    1. Still working on the stole for my sister in law and a crocheted granny square blanket for the little girl. ;)

  5. I love your mix of knitting & crocheting! the little toys are great!

  6. Thanks! I have only recently started really crocheting and am enjoying it.


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