
Saturday, June 8, 2013

DomeAlong Update

I am loving this one so far. Despite the large (chunkier) size of the book, I am flying through this one. I started reading it a few days late, but am staying on schedule pretty well, I think. I have made it to Part 14- the Dome has come down, the townspeople have been introduced, we know the good, the bad and the crazies. Reminding me a bit of The Stand, here in the beginning. Kind of like when the survivors reach Colorado Springs and establish the town. It also feels a bit like Lost.  

I can't wait to see what happens next and find out exactly what has caused the dome to come down around Chester's Mill, ME.

One quote: (excuse the language, it is too funny to not share and may be my new favorite insult)

"Pete Randolph ain't but lintshit on Duke Perkin's asshole." (pg 850 in ebook)

Happy Reading!

 FTC Disclosure: Clicking on book title and/or image links will lead you to my Amazon Affiliate page.


  1. I got my copy from the library and I put it to the side to be sure I finish my other library books first:) I did sneak in about the first 80 pages. Seems good so far.

    1. Yeah, I have other books I should be reading and finishing before this one but its addictive.

  2. This one is an amazingly quick read & I'm having much less trouble remembering who's who than I thought I would after I saw that list of characters!

    1. There are a lot of characters! So far I am doing okay, too.

  3. I have had this on my Nook for awhile. I should have done the readalong but with all my reviews and blog tours, I was afraid I couldn't keep up. I do plan to watch the mini-series and eventually getting to read this one.

    1. I have a lot going on, too, like my own challenge I started and still signed up for this! After this it is time to start my Sherlock books. :)

  4. I'm just at the end of Part 9 so far. Enjoying it.

    1. It's very entertaining, isn't it? Really enjoying. I usually plan to read a little before bed and end up staying up way too late.

  5. Stand meets Lost = yes! This sums up why I loved it so much, I think.

  6. It reminds me of it a lot. I loved the reference to it, too. Acknowledging the similarities. :)

  7. I'm having a blast reading this :) I want to rush, rush, rush but I've made myself slow down. Love the quote you shared, ha ha!

    1. I know, huh, too funny. Yeah, I am reading really fast, too. It's just so hard to put down.


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