
Tuesday, June 4, 2013

Back from Vacation

Its always a little sad after coming home from a great vacation and having to get back to the daily grind. We recently got back from a wonderful trip to Maui and I am already trying to figure out when we can go back.
Our trip started with a long delay at the airport. 

No problem. 

We thankfully had a good three hour layover in LA so there would be no missing our flight to Maui. The little girl had fun watching the airplanes and the workers, then making her own airport scene using these great reusable stickers (seen in photo above). An hour and a half after our scheduled departure, we were finally on our way.

The little girl did great on the flight. She was easily entertained with toys, crayons, and the iPad. I was a little worried. She is only two, after all and you hear about kids acting horribly. But there was no need to worry. She was a pro. This was not her first flight, or the longest so she did wonderfully. We did have to remind her to not kick the seat in front of her. Oops.

She fell asleep an hour before landing and managed to stay asleep while we got our bags, picked up our rental, drove out to Ka'anapali and through check in. Amazing! We put her down in her pack and play once we got to our room and that was that. Sleep for all. 
The next five days were spent lounging by the pool, swimming and eating great food. The best part of the trip, though, was just enjoying time with each other in such a beautiful location. There was no work, no TV, nothing to take attention away from just enjoying and relaxing.
We definitely were not ready to leave when the time came. We dragged our feet that morning. Had a lazy breakfast of coffee ate some banana bread and pineapple on our lanai. On the way to the airport we stopped in Lahaina so the little girl could see the Banyan tree one last time. 
K'anapali Beach
Sunset at Black Rock, Sheraton Maui
Vacation reads: Patient Zero by Jonathan Maberry, Gone Girl by Gillian Flynn
FTC Disclosure: Clicking on book title and/or image links will lead you to my Amazon Affiliate page.


  1. Lovely photos! It definitely sounds like you had a wonderful time. I was in Hawaii a few years ago and, like you, would love to go back!

  2. I'm glad you had such a great trip! Our trip to Hawaii a couple of years ago took me weeks to recover from--I have never missed a vacation spot the way I missed that beautiful state.

    1. Such a great place to go and forget about everything else. Perhaps we will both get bak there sooner than later. ;)


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