
Thursday, May 30, 2013

Armchair BEA: Non-Fiction

I was so sure that I wasn't going to write anything today because I have such a block when it comes to most non-fiction books. It isn't something I usually want to read. However, I was just reading Trish's post and realized that there have been books I have enjoyed that were not Fiction. 

What made them books that I actually enjoyed was the narrative used. When the book isn't just a collection of facts, when there is a story, and people to follow and relate to or sympathize with I do enjoy it. Who knew?

So, if you are like me, and have a difficult time finding non-fiction books to read here are some that I truly enjoyed:

True Crime is Non-Fiction, right?

Happy Reading!

 FTC Disclosure: Clicking on book title and/or image links will lead you to my Amazon Affiliate page.


  1. Henrietta Lacks was a great book. I also liked Jon Krakauer's Under the Banner of Heaven.

    1. Haven't read it, but have hear that I should.

  2. Have you read In Cold Blood by Truman Capote? Whoooo, what a book! I believe it was the first true crime story written in a narrative way. It really changed the way nonfiction was written. It's an amazing classic read that I highly recommend :)

    I very much enjoyed Henrietta Lacks too. Great story!

    1. Another book I have wanted to read and just not gotten around to. Thanks for reminding me about it. ;)

  3. I'm like you - the narrative has to feel like fiction for me to love a non fiction. Into Thin Air was an amazing book!

    1. My book group got me to read Henrietta Lacks. Glad they did. Was really good. Into thin air I read after seeing a documentary about it. Really good, too.

  4. Narrative is a great way to put it. I love this type of non-fiction as well and suspect that many of those folks who say they don't read non-fiction actually do... I really liked Into Thin Air and agree with Jennifer regarding In Cold Blood!

  5. True crime is absolutely non-fiction! I think that a lot of times we get caught up with the idea that "non-fiction" means boring, loaded with facts, and plodding. Sometimes it is loaded with facts and can be plodding and I still like the book but there are so many great non-fiction books that aren't. So often it's about really getting to know the people involved.

    1. Yes. Exactly. I forget that all non fiction isn't boring.

  6. You guys are clearly loading my book shelf with non-fiction!


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