
Sunday, April 14, 2013

Mailbox Monday (4/15/13)

Welcome to MariReads, Mailbox Monday-ers!
For those of you who may not be familiar with the meme, here is what it is all about:
"Mailbox Monday is a gathering place for readers to share the books that came into their house last week and explore great book blogs. Warning: Mailbox Monday can lead to envy, toppling TBR piles and humongous wish lists. It was started by Marcia, previously of The Printed Page and is now a Blog Tour, hosted by a different book blog each month."

I got a couple of Sherlock Holmes books for Kindle ($.99 or free!) to read. I was thinking it would be fun to try and do a mini challenge for the last half of the year. I am in Sherlock withdrawal waiting for Season 3. Wondering if anyone else would like to read these (and maybe more), too?

A Study in Scarlet 
The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes 

Anyway, can't wait to start reading these, either alone or with company.

So, what did you get this past week? Enquiring minds would like to know.
Happy Reading!
 FTC Disclosure: Clicking on book title and/or image links will lead you to my Amazon Affiliate page.


  1. I've never read an actual Sherlock Holmes book, but they're they type I'd love to read just to say I have. Plus I'd probably enjoy them as well. I do actually have a YA Sherlock Holmes book, so think that might be a fun way to get an introduction.

  2. I've heard good things about Sherlock! Good thing to start a read along while you wait for the next episodes.
    Have a great week!

  3. Hi Mairi,

    I always try to watch the television adaptations when they are on and of the course the original feature length films, although I have to say that I haven't read many of the books and certainly not the two which you are highlighting this week.

    Some of the early edition books in the series are quite collectible and worth some serious money now, so I understand. Certainly more than the bargain price you paid!

    Thanks for sharing with us and I hope that you enjoy the books,


  4. One of those who have never read a Sherlock Holmes (as yet).

  5. I am a real fan of the Sherlock series too. Meanwhile, have you been watching the TV series Elementary with Johnny Lee Miller (Sherlock) and Lucy Liu (Watson)? It is quite different to the Cumberbatch reincarnation, but I am really liking this take on Sherlock also...

    1. I have seen a few episodes. They are pretty good. Very different take. ;)

  6. I hope you enjoy the Sherlock Holmes books. I haven't watched any of the tv series.

  7. My daughter raced through the complete works of Arthur Conan Doyle and then went on a quest to find similar sort of books. Not really my thing but boy did/does she love them!

  8. I love getting free Kindle books. It's finding the time to read them all that's frustrating!

  9. Enjoy your Sherlock books.

    Silver's Reviews
    My Mailbox Monday

  10. I've not read any Sherlock books, enjoy your books. I love getting kindle deals or any deal on books:)

  11. This comment has been removed by the author.

  12. I have not read any Sherlock Holmes books. I do love getting a good deal on Kindle books! Thank you for hosting MM this month!

  13. I love finding great deals on books! I don't think I've ever read Sherlock Holmes, just watched different versions of it. Hope you enjoy your goodies!

  14. I've also been reading the Sherlock Holmes books out of Sherlock excitement. I keep trying to read the kindle versions on my iPhone, but usually get about halfway through then switch to the book book out of small-screen frustration.

  15. I was able to grab the complete Sherlock Holmes awhile back for my Kindle so I might be game to join a read-a-long. I'll be watching for news of it. =O)


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