
Friday, March 1, 2013

Review: The Holder's Dominion by Genese Davis

The Holder's Dominion by Genese Davis
Paperback, 382 pages
Published March 1, 2013
Beaver's Bond Press

Not being a gamer, I wasn't so sure I would enjoy this book, but it sounded so interesting and is set in Austin where I lived for 9 years, that I had to give it a try. I wasn't disappointed.

Kaylie Ames is a student in Austin who has left her mom and brother back in Washington to deal with the death of her father on their own. She finds solace and comfort in the game Edannair, after learning about it and the elite group within that gives missions to applicants both inside and outside of the game. She takes it upon herself to infiltrate this group and reach the Holder, the leader of the group, who she feels is taking advantage of his followers.

Davis is really good at putting the reader into both worlds effortlessly. You forget that the characters are actually just sitting at computers playing a game rather than truly being within the world of Edannair. The world she has created for the game is very thought out and fully realized that I felt I was reading a fantasy novel instead. Because of this, despite not being familiar with this culture of gamers, I had no problem getting sucked into the story.

For more info on the book and author visit her WEBSITE.

Source: sent for review from Jocelyn of Kelly & Hall Book Publicity

Happy Reading!

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  1. It is not very often that I find a book that gets me interested, however with The Holder's Dominion is turning out to be a gem. As a gamer myself I had a easier time getting into the story then with most books I have read in the past, I do recommend it for anyone that is or whats to know about gamers and what drives them.


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