
Sunday, February 17, 2013

Where, oh where have my readers gone?

Question for you all:
Have you all noticed a decrease in comments/readers at your blog? 

It seems that way here but I am trying to not let it get to me since the purpose of my blog has always been for me. A place for me to chronicle the books I read and share my thoughts.  I have been at this for awhile, never looking to profit from blogging or expecting to have thousands of readers, but always enjoying connecting with those who did visit and leave comments. I still do. I appreciate those of you who visit and comment and am grateful to see that there still some who enjoy reading what I have to say.

Anyway, the whole point of this was just me wondering how MariReads has changed over the years to possibly have had an affect on readership. I did stop posting much for a couple years and could only assume I lost some readers during that time. I am working on that this year and also trying to improve the content. Looking back over the years, I feel the quality of my posts have gone a little south. I don't hear my voice in them anymore. 

So, I have some things to work on. A little sprucing up around here would help, I think and looking back at my old posts and seeing what works and what doesn't. I seem to have lost my focus here, and need to find it again.

If you all have any ideas, please share!

Happy Reading!
 FTC Disclosure: Clicking on book title and/or image links will lead you to my Amazon Affiliate page.


  1. I've noticed a drop in comments etc too. Not sure why. Interesting to see what others say.

    1. Yes, wondering if people are getting overwhelmed. There are a lot of new blogs. Seemed much smaller when I began.

  2. This is a good question, Mari. I've had an increase in followers in recent months but I haven't noticed a marked increase in the number of comments I receive. Some of my reviews and guest posts receive no comments at all and I find this disheartening. In fact, the posts that receive the most comments on my blog tend to be those where I ask book-related questions or post best of lists. Reviews, which I find the main purpose of book blogging, seem to attract the least amount of attention on my blog.

    That said, I go through phases where I actively post on other blogs and then turn around a few months later and am quieter. Maybe a lot of people are just going through their own quiet phases at the moment.

    1. Reviews definitely get less comments. I usually comment on books I want to read, have read or by an author I am familiar with. There are a lot of reviews of books I don't know about that I may not actually read a review posted. So, I understand that happening as well.

  3. I recently changed my URL address though not my name, Book Dilettante. This resulted in a sharp decrease in visitors and also a decrease in spam visitors, so it may even out.

    Hope you find your voice for your book blog again soon. Hang in there!

  4. I think there are a lot of people (like me, I must admit!) who read posts in readers and don't always stop in to leave comments. I do think the key to keeping interest for readers is to make sure you keep your voice which you mentioned.

  5. There seems to be so many more blogs than when I started that it's hard to comment on so many. Also, after so long of blogging I go through my own ups and downs as far as posting and commenting goes.

    1. I have really found this to be true for me as well. The 1000+ posts in the reader gets daunting.

  6. I took a long blogging break, too, and just returned (and am new to your blog). Things are different now, for sure! Many of my regular readers' lives have changed--babies have been born, health issues have come up, new jobs started--and they just don't have the time to devote to reading blogs anymore. Quite a few have stopped blogging completely, or only post sporadically. Even people who traditionally had tons of comments now only get a few on some posts. At the same time, some of my reviews are visited consistently (but not commented on), even years later, via searches.

    My hiatus from blogging helped me put it into a different perspective, and while I'm glad to be back, I realize that I need to be doing it first and foremost for my own enjoyment. And if I don't get tons of comments, at least all those that I do get are positive. :)

  7. I've noticed a drop in comments, too. I thought it had to do with coming back after a hiatus but it seems everyone is having the same issues.

    There are a ton more blogs than there were when I started in 2009. I had been blogging mere months and I had loads of comments. Now it's good if I get 5 a post.

    Another reason is a few regular visitors stopped blogging and I am wondering if that is part of the problem, too. I don't know if they visit anymore.


Thanks for taking the time to comment! :)