
Tuesday, February 12, 2013

Where in the world am I reading?

I just found this fun meme and thought I would participate. It is hosted by Kailana of The Written Word, Trish of Love, Laughter and a touch of Insanity , and Lisa of Books.Lists.Life. This months prompt: What are your comfy moments, spots or companions?

My comfy reading spot used to be curled up on the couch, under a blanket by myself. Since becoming a mom that has changed. My favorite, cozy and most comfortable place to sit and read is with my daughter in her room, in our glider with a stack of picture books in our laps. 
This may be why my own reading has slowed down a bit. But look how warm and cozy our reading spot is? Wouldn't you want to sit there and read to? :)

Happy Reading!


  1. Looks like a perfect spot to sit and read, solo or with others. I'd just add, for myself, a lamp for nighttime reading...

    1. There is one on the small table to the left of the chair. Just hard to see with the light shining in through the window. :)

  2. That is a cozy spot! And what better thing than to read books to your daughter? Love it. :)

  3. Nothing better than a comfy chair and a toddler on your lap to read to! No wonder it's your favorite spot.

  4. It looks very cozy! I love having a designated reading spot in my house.

  5. The years of reading to little ones are really special. I sometimes find myself wishing for a little one to read to, now that mine are grown.


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