
Monday, September 10, 2012

Cleaning Schedule

I was just about to sit down and type up and share the cleaning schedule I came up with for myself when I discovered that I am not the first to do this. I actually got the idea awhile ago from a pin on Pinterest and today saw this post by KnitPurlGurl of her own schedule. So many people trying to get organized and clean. :)

Well, here is mine to add to the masses. Hopefully it will help me be a better housekeeper. I am usually not the best. I am ignoring the number of unpacked boxes that are strewn around the house. Will probably have to add those in one of these days!

Monday: Wash all bedding, towels
Tuesday: Dusting, and de-furring of furniture
Wednesday: Sweep and mop all floors
Thursday: Clean bathroom and kitchen
Friday: Anything else that needs to be done
Saturday and Sunday: Enjoy relaxing with the family! 

Every day:
Laundry as needed
Pick up toys and clutter
Make beds

I am going to start with that and see how it goes. This Friday I foresee a lot of major cleaning and unpacking. We are having E's 2nd Birthday party on Saturday! There is so much to do before then.

Other cleaning:
Windows washed
Cobwebs removed from house
Ants sprayed outside
Front porch and Back patio swept
Finish unpacking
Boxes broken down and put away
Furniture all in place (dining table) 
Do you have a cleaning schedule? How does it work for you?


  1. I wish I was organised enough to have a proper cleaning schedule. As it stands, I have zero time for cleaning other than washing up during the week, so I do everything over the weekend. The Boy does help me, but I'm very particular about having a clean bathroom so that's always my responsibility. I consider it a good weekend if the chores are done by Sunday noon.

    1. My idea was to spread it out over the week to hopefully keep my weekends free. Hoping this works because I really hate all day cleaning sprees. :)

  2. I would LOVE to be better about cleaning but it's just one of those things that seems to fall by the wayside. Don't get me wrong--my house is tidy--but could always be better. Part of my problem is that I would have marathon cleaning days on the weekend because I want the ENTIRE house to be clean all at once. (clean = scrubbing). But, with the babe this is now impossible. So I'll get half the house clean and then burned out. Vacuuming is usually the chore that gets forgotten since this is the one I do last.

    Though--this might be different if I were at home during the week. I don't like the clean in the evenings (other than tidying the kitchen after dinner). I do love lists, though! :)

  3. I really need to follow your lead, make a schedule and stick with it. So much easier to make yourself get to things that way - no distractions while you try to figure out what to do first.


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