
Thursday, June 7, 2012

Out of Town

I am in NY, but not at BEA. I am guessing that all the hoopla will be over by Sunday when we get into NYC, right? 

The entire family has flown out for the wedding of my brother in law. Lots of hubby family members to introduce the little girl to. Should be a lot of fun. And to continue the fun, we are spending a couple days in NYC with my sister in laws and their SOs doing some touristy things. :)

Packing for this trip was a nightmare. So much stuff for one little girl! And on top of all that, we have to bring wedding clothes which includes a flower girl dress and a tux for the hubby. At least it is summer and the rest of the clothes pack small. 

Anyway, the reason for my post was just to let you all know that the blog will be a bit quiet this weekend and that I wasn't able to get my reviews written and posted before leaving. I have a few that will be posted  once I get back. 

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