
Saturday, May 19, 2012

Weekend Cooking: Taco's!

My mom and sister make the yummiest taco meat and I have never been able to replicate it. Same with rice. Their taco meat is always so flavorful and juicy, whereas mine always comes out dry and kind of bland. Well, I decided to give it another go. 

Taco meat
I called up the sis to ask exactly what she she does with her meat- beef boillion and tomato sauce were the only ingredients besides the meat. I had just got back from the store, so wasn't going to to back to get the tomato sauce that I thought I had but didn't.  One ingredient already out for copying. So, I improvised and came up with my own taco meat.

I browned the lean ground sirloin with a little bit of olive oil. Then added a cup of water with one dissolved beef boullion cube. I then added (without measuring) some cumin, dried oregano, chili powder, black pepper and garlic salt. In order from most to least put in. I love cumin, and didn't want to put in too much garlic salt considering the saltiness of the beef boullion. I then simmered until most of the liquid had boiled off.

I have to say, despite not being the same as my sisters, it came out pretty good. The meat had lots of flavor and it wasn't dry. Add a corn tortilla, cheese, avocado and some hot sauce and I had a really yummy taco for lunch. 

The little girl liked it, too!
Enjoying her lunch yesterday! Haha

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  1. I love tacos! The little girl sure is enjoying hers;-)

    1. Haha. I know! That picture cracks me up. :)

  2. This sounds delicious! I always use a taco seasoning packet myself, but I can tell that if I ever feel the need to branch out, your recipe would be a good one.

  3. Yum yum. I like spicy mince too. I quite often do it with Asian flavours like soy, fish sauce, chilli and ginger.

  4. Love the photo! I don't use tomato sauce in my taco meat. I tend to do what you did -- shake in a bunch of herbs and spices (lots of cumin!). Now I have a craving for tacos. LOL.

  5. That picture of your little girl is priceless! It will be fun to show her when she is older - LOL! The tacos look great :)

  6. Taco's are a big favourite in our house but I usually buy a kit that includes flavouring. Should try and make my own.


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